EL DESPERTAR SAI. : Gallery of Sai Pictures from Barry, Aravind B Update & Photos Update from Dharmakshetra Gallery of Sai Pictures from Barry, Aravind B Update & Photos Update from Dharmakshetra - EL DESPERTAR SAI.



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lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

Gallery of Sai Pictures from Barry, Aravind B Update & Photos Update from Dharmakshetra

Gallery of Sai Pictures from Barry
Dear All,
Om Sai Ram.
The turning point in my life came on that fateful day in 1970 with Swami's first darshan in Brindavan, when curiosity turned to veneration that resulted in a bond for life for me and my family.
Swami in His infinite compassion gave a new purpose and direction to my hobby of photography and provided me the opportunity, means and motivation to cover many of His events and thus reach the hearts and homes of His devotees in many countries around the world.
In early days, Swami used to be very close physically and I was filled with immense pleasure and awe, covering those divine moments using simple, no-frills cameras. Swami had the time and inclination to see some pictures I had taken on an earlier occasion, and gave me the opportunity to take yet another picture of Him seeing those, initiate a baby to 3Rs by writing "Om" on the slate (writing board) and bless others by cutting a few hair or feed them with a spoon.
Swami is proud of His devotees and each one has a special place in His heart. He would be serving with love and affection during
Narayan Seva or at His host's home during meal time, taking personal care of all the guests. Like in "Inauguration of Elephant-81" album Swami is with the group of artisans and separately with their leader who all worked tirelessly, all the students and their teachers and finally with the teachers alone to give each one a rare sense of belonging.
I have experienced that with Swami I am a hero and without Him a zero. Otherwise what has happened or not happened would not have been possible. Each moment with Swami is a Divine experience and every day a festival. He is the actual doer though one may have the ego illusion of doer-ship. Swami's sankalpa alone manifests as the cause and effect and He may chose any one as His instrument.
Another gift from Swami is the realization to treat everything connected with Him as His errand and all His devotees equally venerable. I have covered Sai events everywhere with the same joy as I experienced when covering those that were held in His physical presence.
Swami in His infinite compassion gave a tiny bit of a window to peep into His majesty and control over everything. He is intensely human and generous to a fault- a mother supreme.
By Swami's grace, I have been able to meet many of His devotees ranging from late Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, the then President of India, to Bahadur, the gate keeper in Swami's Primary School in Prashanti Nilayam. Through these meetings with devotees, I have been able to get a glimpse of His Divinity and see how His love and care flows equally through all beings.
In the old days I could easily share Swami's pictures with His devotees, Sadhana Trust and Prashanti Digital Laboratory and others connected with Sai Mission as well as presenting slide shows after bhajan in India and abroad. Now that Swami's devotees are spread all over the world, by His continued grace and help from Dr. David Gries, Tom Scovill, Praksh Bharatkar, Mohan Kumar Dora, Kutumba Rao Lanka, Sindhura Lanka, Arvind Mohan and Vimla Upadhya it has been possible to retrieve a major portion of the collection which can be reached by visiting http://sathyasai.org/pictureinfo/barrygallery.htm
I am very happy sharing Swami's prasad with the prayer that you and your family have Swami's grace forever and continue to be His chosen instruments in His Divine Mission.
With fondest love, warm regards and best wishes.

Missing 'what' we want because of 'how' we want it
From Aravind Balasubramanya
Dear all,
WHATEVER WE ASK SWAMI, He gives us. But we miss it oftentimes because it comes to us in a manner we were not expecting! Here is an episode from my student days where we frittered away a great chance because Swami did not give it to us in the way we expected it!
How important it is to be open in the mind and heart when it comes to God , and everything else in life!


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