Dear all,
What are the three 'paths' to God? What is #Karma Marga? What is #Bhakti Marga? What is #Jnana Marga?
The experience of the midwife, Radhamma, proves beyond doubt that Bhagawan Sri #SathyaSai Baba gives full marks to the path of action. However, the same conclusion is reached about the path of devotion when one hears the experience of a clerk, Krishnamurthy. But, there are several instances where Swami has clearly said that it is ONLY wisdom that ultimately liberates.
Is there an inherent contradiction in these statements? Or are they building up to a beautiful synthesis that we have not imagined yet? Swami's examples and analogies strike home a clear message - a message that even a ten year old would understand.
This is a talk delivered in the #Satsangh Hall at Prasanthi Nilayam in Puttaparthi on the 11th of April, 2015.