CHRISTMAS 2010 - a Report
Watch Video CHRISTMAS 2010 - INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN....27-12-2010
Watch Video CHRISTMAS IN SAI LOVE by Italian Musicians....25-12-2010
Updated on Friday, Dec 31, 2010 @ 2120 hrs. IST
Fri, Dec 31, 2010: It's year ending 2010 and as has been the practice over the years, the alumni of SSSIHL have come back once again to the hallowed portals presenting themselves to their Beloved Swami. Year endings often mean introspection of the activities during the year, and here, the grateful students seemed to have done their 'home work' well to present their progress report to Bhagawan. They have come in good numbers and presented a dance drama entitled "Your Message is Our Life", a sequel to the previous year's presentation entitled "An Eternal Bond of Love"! 
Earlier, Bhagawan came in His car at 1810 hrs., to go for a full round of Darshan. Upon coming on stage at 1820 hrs. He blessed the alumni to commence the evening's further proceedings.
How best to live a worthy life that has already been sanctified by Bhagawan with His bounteous blessings, entitling them with the title Sai Students? The presentation in the evening was an answer to this question. Continuing from the previous year's story that depicted the story of Karthik, the persona representing an ideal Sai student, the presentation for the evening carried the story-line forward coining actual stories from the lives of alumni.

Story moved from the medical camp at Whitefield to Bhagawan's revelation done in 1976 where He spelt out His future mission, through a materialised medallion, involving His students. Impressed at the revelations, Karthik was pumped up, yet was worried about 'something' that was holding him back to take a big leap to follow His teachings. When opportunity came in his way, when the call was irresistible, Karthik responded and took home a destitute child, turning the orphan under his loving care. Karthik was joined by a couple of more Sai students.

The story of Sai Anandam, an orphanage for destitute children, the coming up of Sri Sathya Sai Jagruti Vidya Mandir, the newly dedicated project "Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini" and the coming up of a hospital meeting the need of the hour, serving the villagers etc. were depicted showing how Sai students are making waves in the society spreading His message, Love All Serve All.

The one-hour presentation ended with a message of Oneness of All Creation with a call to merge in Him to become One!
Bhagawan moved down the dais to pose for a photo session. Accepting Mangala Arathi at 1935 hrs. Bhagawan left for Yajur Mandiram at 1940 hrs. Prasadam was distributed to the entire audience.

On Christmas morning, before 8AM, devotees from South Africa sang Christmas Carols in Sai Kulwant Hall.
In the evening, Swami, blessed many Christmas cakes on the Verandah. John Behner spoke briefly and instroduced two speakers: Ms. Pruzan, a Dane, spoke gracefully, sharing her personal experience of the 'Divine Pull' and Swami's omnipresence. Cass Smith, a musician from California, spoke of Swami's Love, strummed his guitar, and sang.
Part I of the video also includes the start of the concert, "Christmas in Sai Love", by a group of Italians, and most of the concert is in Part I.
The Italian group is led by Sonja Venturi and includes Sergio Vigagni, Evige Fontana, Dalliah Gutman, Bruno Pratico, and a set of musical scorers. The Italians sang for over fifty minutes. A Beethoven Medley, a couple of Italian numbers, White Christmas, and others were followed by a grand finale, 'Happy Christmas'.
After Bhagawan blesses many Christmas cakes on the verandah, John Behner introduces two speakers: Ms. Pruzan, from Denmark, and Cass Smith, a musician from California, USA, who also sings his well-known song, "I Keep Feeling Your Love in Me". The start of a concert by an Italian group completes Part […]
The South African Group sings Christmas Carols in Sai Kulwant Hall on Christmas Day morning. Visit for more Sathya Sai Baba videos.
Fri, Dec 31, 2010: Sai News & Photo Updates - Sai Darshan today: It's year ending 2010 and as has been the practice over the years, the alumni of SSSIHL have come back once again to the hallowed portals presenting themselves to their Beloved Swami. Year endings often mean introspection of the activities during the year, and here, the grateful students seemed to have done their 'home work' well to present their progress report to Bhagawan. They have come in good numbers and presented a dance drama entitled "Your Message is Our Life", a sequel to the previous year's presentation entitled "An Eternal Bond of Love"!
Earlier, Bhagawan came in His car at 1810 hrs., to go for a full round of Darshan. Upon coming on stage at 1820 hrs. He blessed the alumni to commence the evening's further proceedings.
How best to live a worthy life that has already been sanctified by Bhagawan with His bounteous blessings, entitling them with the title Sai Students? The presentation in the evening was an answer to this question. Continuing from the previous year's story that depicted the story of Karthik, the persona representing an ideal Sai student, the presentation for the evening carried the story-line forward coining actual stories from the lives of alumni.
Story moved from the medical camp at Whitefield to Bhagawan's revelation done in 1976 where He spelt out His future mission, through a materialised medallion, involving His students. Impressed at the revelations, Karthik was pumped up, yet was worried about 'something' that was holding him back to take a big leap to follow His teachings. When opportunity came in his way, when the call was irresistible, Karthik responded and took home a destitute child, turning the orphan under his loving care. Karthik was joined by a couple of more Sai students.
The story of Sai Anandam, an orphanage for destitute children, the coming up of Sri Sathya Sai Jagruti Vidya Mandir, the newly dedicated project "Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini" and the coming up of a hospital meeting the need of the hour, serving the villagers etc. were depicted showing how Sai students are making waves in the society spreading His message, Love All Serve All.
The one-hour presentation ended with a message of Oneness of All Creation with a call to merge in Him to become One!
Bhagawan moved down the dais to pose for a photo session. Accepting Mangala Arathi at 1935 hrs. Bhagawan left for Yajur Mandiram at 1940 hrs. Prasadam was distributed to the entire audience.

|| Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||