
El Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshanam representa una jubilosa ocasión que indica la coronación de 82 años en la Divina Misión de Sri Sathya Sai. Se refiere también al paso de 1.000 Plenilunios en la vida de Swami.
Los nueve planetas toman 120 años para completar un ciclo. La astrología le asigna 120 años a la vida humana. A la edad de 60 años, las personas celebran el Ugra Ratha Shanti buscando la bendición divina conocida popularmente como Shashti Poorthi. Cuando se pasa el umbral de los 70 años, se celebrará el Bheema Ratha Shanti en honor de Bheemaratha que es Shiva como encarnación del tiempo. Cuando se llega a los 82 años, se celebra el Sahasra Chandradarshanam. Los Vedas se refieren a esto como "Aseetidvayam" y por lo tanto también se denomina Vedayushya.
Tradicionalmente, ¿qué sucede durante este Sahasra Chandra Darshanam? A la persona que haya completado esta edad se le dará un baño ceremonial y se le vestirá con ropas nuevas. Sacerdotes védicos entonarían Himnos Védicos. Se instalaría un recipiente sagrado representando al Señor Lakshminarayana, flanqueado por el sol y la luna -símbolos del flujo del tiempo- y se adoraría subsecuentemente. El agua consagrada recogida en el kalasham se energizaría con himnos védicos y el empleo de diversas hojas, como de mango, baniano, higuera de la India etc. Luego se propiciaría a las nueve deidades que presiden a los nueve planetas, mediante un sacrificio. Luego de estas santas abluciones se centrarían en el Señor Shiva, acompañadas por la entonación del Namakam y el Chamakam. A continuación la persona que cumpliera los 82 años sería instalada en un trono prominente. Se le bañaría con las santas aguas de todos los ríos sagrados y se le ofrendarían piedras preciosas etc. A continuación todos los eruditos védicos serían honrados con generosos regalos.
Se cree que esta generosidad arrastra todos los pecados y concede la liberación. Se cree que simplemente ver a la persona que lleva a cabo este ejercicio védico confiere una inmensa buena suerte. Generalmente son los bisnietos los que organizan y conducen este ritual para celebrar el que su bisabuelo haya llegado a los 82 años de vida. Todo este ritual se lleva a cabo en beneficio de uno mismo.
Hoy día, sin embargo, vamos a ser testigos de que este santo ritual sea organizado y conducido por una Encarnación Divina para atraer paz y felicidad al mundo. La sola expresión humana hace imposible comprender la grandiosidad de este espectáculo. Sabios del pasado han vuelto como Sus bisnietos para conducir este ritual. Chandra, la luna, significa serenidad y actúa como fuente de alegría para todos los mundos.
En el Kritayuga el poderoso rey que defendiera la Verdad llegó a ser llamado "Sathya Harishchandra". En el Tretayuga es Señor fue llamado "Sri Rama Chandra". En el Dwapara se Le decía "Krishna Chandra" y hoy, el mismo Señor ha sido testigo de mil plenilunios y es alabado como "Sathya Sai Chandra".
El resplandor de este Sathya Sai Chandra ha bendecido cada lugar y rincón del mundo. La instalación de vasos sagrados se llevó a cabo hace mucho, en este caso. Con Su Voluntad, hizo bajar el santo Ganges desde los rizos de Shiva hacia Su propio corazón para calmar luego la sed de miles de gargantas resecas.
Revitalizando las vidas adormecidas de la India rural y asegurando Su gracia y apoyo, las ha impulsado a avanzar para tocar los horizontes de la felicidad. Bendiciendo a miles de estudiantes con el conocimiento del Sí Mismo superior y enviándoles por todo el mundo, el Maestro sin rival de la Divina perfección ha otorgado el don del conocimiento y la sabiduría a los corazones de la humanidad.
Como un Chandra de vida ha transformado incalculables lágrimas de pesar en lágrimas de gratitud, al sanar dolencias del cuerpo, la mente y el alma. Su gracia ha tocado a innumerables gentes y le ha entregado consuelo y alivio a las vidas de los pobres y los necesitados, los enfermos y los oprimidos, bajo la forma de Medicare. Defendiendo la cruz del Dharma, se ha convertido en el Señor de la tolerancia, difundiendo el mensaje de la hermandad del hombre y la paternidad de Dios. Ha unificado los dogmas de la fe y roto las cadenas de la religión.
Como una eterna confluencia de innumerables credos y variadas creencias, el Señor ha resplandecido con un brillo infinito y ha transformado a los malvados en sabios, a los pecadores en santos, a los injustos en justos y a los mortales en inmortales. La densa floresta de corazones humanos infectada por la agitación, los celos, el egoísmo, el hambre y la sed, ha sido transformada en encantadores jardines de paz, amor, servicio y bondad gracias al toque de este "Sai Chandra"
Somos los hijos, hijas, nietos, parientes cercanos y caros al Señor que está allende los lazos de familia y que, sin embargo, considera a esta vasta humanidad como Su familia.
Señor, somos como las estrellas que brillan en torno a la "Luna de Compasión" en el espacio infinito. Muchos de nosotros puede que no hayan visto a sus propios padres o abuelos celebrando este ritual védico y, sin embargo, seremos testigos de una ocasión que la eternidad misma atesoraría en lo profundo de su corazón como un apreciado recuerdo.
Esta rara oportunidad le es concedida a toda la humanidad que está aquí o en cualquier otra parte del mundo, experimentando esta Divina alegría. Esta ocasión tiene al vasto cielo como techo; los semidioses de los cielos llevan a cabo esta santa ablución para el Señor del Universo, con diamantes, rubíes, esmeraldas y toda la variedad de gemas. ¡Oh Señor, Tuyo es el trono, la tierra y Tuya la Sombilla de los cielos en lo alto, y los dioses de los altos cielos son la audiencia. Los Vedas y el creador Brahma son los sacerdotes. Oh Señor, la abundancia de compasión que ha forjado nuevas vidas de desesperanzadas visiones de impotencia, es Tu consorte.
Cada alma que Te haya visto y esparcido Tu amor hacia todos los corazones que haya encontrado, es Tu hijo. El majestuoso fluir del agua que calma cada garganta reseca, es Tu hija. El rey, el mísero, el joven y el anciano, el reformador, el científico, el evangelista, el monje, el niño, el teísta y el ateo se han arrodillado en la presencia de Tu amor, y han sido disueltos en una existencia que ninguna experiencia podría haber forjado y ninguna expresión podría haber hecho comprender.
Amado Señor, llámanos Bangaroo (queridos / dorados) hasta la eternidad, y recubre con oro las sendas de nuestra evolución. Tú eres el poderoso. Tú eres la luna que sustenta la magia del Amor, que teje los milagros de la fe, que alimenta las simientes de la devoción, que acicatea a los perdidos, que guía a los profetas, que transforma a los mortales, que esculpe a Dios en el hombre.
Tú eres la infinitamente resplandeciente encarnación de la Verdad, lo Sagrado, la Luz, el Sacrificio, la Alegría, la Dicha, la Fuerza, la Lucha, el Mortal, el Inmortal, el Indiferente, el Ecuánime, la Riqueza, el Conocimiento, la Indagación, la Habilidad, la Nobleza, la Libertad, la Virtud y lo Supremo.
En Tus ojos, oh Señor, podemos ver el brillo que agita la nada inanimada hacia la evolución cósmica de la creación, la maravilla que impulsa la conciencia en la energía.
Tú harás incontables en número tales celebraciones y nosotros seremos testigos. Enmudecida por Tu grandiosidad, la Tierra entera se sumergirá en el estruendo de las felices voces en que resuena el eco de Tu supremacía.
Om Sai Ram
Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshanam? What it entails?
Even as the last strains of the soul-stirring bhajans fill the air, and the enthralling leelas of the Supreme are being extolled by scholars, Prasanthi Nilayam is gearing up for the epochal Sahasra Poorna Chandra Mahotsavam.
This grand event is to commemorate the completion of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s 83rd year in His earthly sojourn as the avatar gazes at the full moon pearling in the sky for the 1000th time.
This joyous and momentous event will be held at the Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium at Prasanthi Nilayam from November 15th to 17th in the immediate divine presence where the yajna would be conducted for gods and humans to witness alike.
Viewing a full moon every month and twelve such in a year, a person who completes eighty two years of age would have beheld 1000 full moons after subsequent inclusion of a few months following completion. This occasion, often a rarity, calls for an elaborate celebration where the kith and kin of the person conduct rituals as stated in the scriptures.
With reference to Vedic astrology, it is believed that the nine planets take 120 years to complete a cycle around the Sun; likewise a human is bestowed with a life expectancy of 120 years. After fifty years of age, every tenth birthday thereafter is deemed as a blessing of the gods and the milestone is celebrated with great pomp and vigour.
On completing sixty years, people conduct the Ugra Ratha Shanti seeking divine benediction, popularly known as Shashti Poorthi. As the landmark of 70 years is crossed, Bheema Ratha Shanti is ceremoniously conducted in honour of "Bheema ratha", Lord Shiva the embodiment of time. On successful completion of 82 years of age, the Sahasra Chandra Darshanam is celebrated. Vedas refer to this as ‘Aseetidwayam’ which is also referred to as Vedayushya.
Man, according to Vedaantha and Yoga philosophies, is charged with a spark of the universal soul. Therefore, such functions are conducted to worship the atman residing in him so that he can unite with it ultimately. Every yajna has two phases, a preparatory phase and an executive phase. Thus, in consonance with tradition, the person completing 82 years would be given a ceremonial shower with honey, milk and water and be decked in new clothes for the ceremony. This would be followed by a rendition of Vedic hymns and chants by scholars.
Consecutively, a consecrated vessel, symbolic of Lord Mahavishnu would be worshipped alongside the Sun and the Moon who represent the passage of time. As this ritual nears completion, the holy water collected in the kalasham (brass pot) would be sanctified using the sacred leaves- mango, peepal, banyan, basil, and sacred fig. Subsequently, the nine planets would be pleased by performing a sacrifice to ward off the evil eye.
After these rituals, the holy ablutions would be offered to Lord Shiva after invoking His divine presence by reciting the Rudram. Here ends the preparatory phase.
In the executive phase of the yajna, the beneficiary is made to occupy a throne positioned in a prominent place for all to see. He is bathed with holy waters from all the sacred rivers along with many other precious gems etc though a sieve. Following which, Gandham (sandal paste representing earth), Pushpam (flowers representing Aakaasam, the sky) are offered first. Then, Dhoopam (fragrant fumes representing air) and Deepam (the lighted lamp) are also offered, accompanied by ringing of the hand bell- all representing fertility and abundance.
The entire executive phase of the yagna is brought to an end when all the Vedic scholars are honored with generous gifts. They are usually gifted with dhanam and dhaanyam - wealth and grains. In ancient practices, cows and large areas of land were also given as a token of gratitude. This generosity is believed to cleanse all the sins and grant liberation. The mere sight of the person who undertakes this Vedic exercise is believed to confer immense good fortune.
Generally, such an activity is organized by the relatives of the elderly and is undertaken for one’s own benefit. But the yajna in Puttaparthi held to glorify the Lord of the Universe is conducted for a greater purpose- to bring upon peace and happiness in the world, and redeem man from the vicious cycle of birth and death. This is the distinction between an ordinary individual and a divine incarnation.
This is a yajna where God is both the host and guest. He will bathe in the nectar of devotion, be crowned by the jewels of truth, righteousness, peace, love, and nonviolence and will be seated on a throne in every devotee’s heart. As devotees from far and wide converge to behold the biggest event chronicled in the cosmic diary, it is time for us to pause for a moment and reflect on what our beloved Swami has come to teach us for a lifetime.
To say that such an auspicious event is being celebrated with fanfare and gaiety is an understatement. It is an occasion of sanctified mayhem. It is a happening that no mortal can fathom. Only a divine scribe can pen incessantly the splendour and magnitude of this yagna. The Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshanam is a celebration of life and is an open invitation to everybody residing in all worlds.
Sages and seers of the yester years have taken the form of purohits to perform the rituals. The Vedas and the creator Brahma are the priests and heaven will be the audience. The sky will act as the sieve into which the gods and goddesses will pour perennial waters; the Lord will be studded and bedecked with precious diamonds, rubies and emeralds. For it is to you oh Lord, that the universe belongs to.
It is a fortune of many a lifetime for us to witness this yagna where divinity is a symbol of universal integration. Time and again, the formless has assumed form to avert a moral disaster and protect dharma. This yajna is yet another chance for us humans to redeem ourselves from earthly ties and dedicate our lives to the service of the Lord.
Chandra, the moon god signifies coolness and acts as a source of joy to all the worlds. Ever since Krita yuga, the creator has incarnated every time to elevate his children from dust to diamond. To uphold truth he came as Satya Harischandra, and in the Tretha yuga, he assumed the beautiful form of Sri Ramachandra to soothe the world of the wounds of vices. He was then known as Sri Krishna Chandra whose glory has been scripted in the Srimad Bhagavatham.
The effulgence of divinity over aeons has been bestowed as a solace for minds that have been scorched by the heat of enmity and greed. Today, we are the luckiest of the lot as we have here amidst us the creator of the Poorna Chandra, the Poornaavataara Himself! The brilliance and luster of love walking on two feet has spread far and wide spreading joy and happiness to one and all. The memoirs of eighty years have transformed many a soul to follow the path of love and service. He has taught an instant formula to happiness by asking us to ‘love all and serve all’. By instituting a temple of learning, Bhagawan has granted thousands of students the knowledge that will provide them sustenance for a life and a living.
The divine master has baptized us as His messengers by sprinkling discourses of love and compassion. He spoketh forty volumes which show the path to righteous living to shield ourselves from mental destruction. To help one and all recognize the divinity in the poor and needy has been His aim. To uplift the downtrodden and console the disconsolate is His mission. He has not only cured the ills of the unhealthy, but also conferred upon them the panacea for life.
Replete with love, our Lord has incarnated to teach the world that there is only one religion- the religion of love; there is only caste- the caste of humanity; there is only language-the language of the heart; there is only one God- He is Supreme. He has quenched the thirst of many a land and people by planting the twin seeds of bhakti and seva in their hearts.
As the much awaited event will unfold in all splendour, we, your loving children promise that ‘Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’. We can now faintly understand that this yajna is nothing but moksha served on a different platter for our palates. Come all- king and paupers, young and old, reformers and scientists, evangelists and monks to experience another feel of heaven to taste nectarine love. Let us all submit to our Lord and tread the path of love, weed out jealousy and hatred and supplant the seeds of bhakti in our hearts.
You are the Satchitananda Swaroopa, you are the omnipresent, omniscient and the omnipotent one. We pray that we be addressed eternally as ‘bangaru’ so that we may pave our way seizing this golden opportunity of Your descent. Unto Thee we humbly submit ourselves with hearts full of fervent prayer:
Oh Lord, take my love and let in flow in fullness of devotion to Thee
Oh Lord, take my hands and let them work incessantly for Thee,
Oh Lord, take my soul and let it be merged in one with Thee,
Oh Lord, take my mind and thoughts and let them be in tune with Thee,
Oh Lord, take my everything and let me an instrument to work for Thee.