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"...Yesterday on Swamis pic, 109 Rudraksha appeared... I have taken pics in - Ganesh Ganjawalla |
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Om Sai Ram My name is Kiran Patel and we have Swami's " Shivam" Temple in our house in Nacogdoches. Texas. U.S.A. We had performed 11 GAYATRI yagna by chanting 11 different gayatri's i.e... Gayatri Mantra, Sai Gayatri Mantra, Surya Gayatri.....etc 108 times by doing homa's on March 14th 2008. Yagna was preformed by Rajiv Adatia of UK we took lots of photos of yagna and when we played photos as slide show in one photo Swami has given us divine darshan in flame which is miracle of his. Sri Sathya Sai Baba as Agnipurusha for all of us and we would like to share this with all of our sai brothers & sister around the world.
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Swami's Leelas at Sai Sruti Temple in Harrow, Middlesex, UK

Temple photo taken in 2005 by late Shree Bhanubhai R Patel, a Devotee who helped at the temple for many years.

Jalarambapa, Shirdi Saibaba, Sathya Saibaba covered in Vibhuti.

Vibhuti miracles on Baba's chair materialised during 1990 at Sai Sruti. Currently preserved under glass.

Vibhuti miracles on Baba's chair. Full view of the chair preserved under glass at Sai Sruti.

Vibhuti miracles on Baba's chair in 1990 preserved at Sai Sruti.

Vibhuti materialised by Baba on his second chair in the form of 9 coins representing nine types of Devotion. This was materialised on 22nd of May 2006, the 18th Anniversary of Sai Sruti Temple. You may know that Shirdi Sai gave 9 coins to Laxmibai before he left his body in appreciation of her devotion.

Kaamdhenu Photo with Vibhuti at Sai Sruti.

Shree Shanker & Parvatiji with Grey Vibhuti.

Shirdi Saibaba

Radha & Krishna. Krishna statue was in pink initially, but it became blue miraculously on 2006 Krishba Janmashtmi celebrations.

Left Side view of the temple at Sai Sruti

Right Side view of the temple at Sai Sruti

Shirdi Sai Statue with Vibhuti.

Picture of Shiva and Shakti.

Shirdi Baba with crimson Vibhuti at his feet.

Vibhuti on Swami's hands and chest on the photo.

Statue of Shiva covered in Vibhuti (Side View)

Statue of Shiva covered in Vibhuti (front view)

14 Jars of Vibhuti materialised by Swami on his 80th birthday at the temple.

Swami as the Judge - Vibhuti appeared on Swami's photo in 1993 when a devotee prayed for his help in a court case against her. She won the case!

Jalarambapa, Shirdi Saibaba, Sathya Saibaba covered in Vibhuti.

A Vibhiti miracle created by Swami on his 69th birthday at Sai Sruti. A number 69 is visible on closer look.

Janmastmi Celebrations held at Sai Sruti in 2005. Baba appeared miraculously on the left handside of the cradle. You can see him when you take a closer look. This photo was taken by a devotee Mr V K Badhwar from Delhi.

Tiny padukas found in Vibhuti materialised by Swami in 1992.

Gold colour Vibhuti on Shivlingam materialised by Swami in 1991.

Swami's signed message in Vibhuit on the chair on 22.05.2002, the 14th Anniversary at Sai Sruti.

2 Jars of Vibhuti materialised at Sai Sruti in 2005.

Photos of Food consumed by Swami at Sai Sruti in May 2004.

Light blue Vibhuti materialised by Swami at Sai Sruti in 2005.

Pink Vibhuti materialised by Swami at Sai Sruti in 2004....the colour matches with the out-fits on the Deities!

An ultrasound photo of a baby inside a mother's womb that was saved by Swami....Swami's photo appears inside!

Light blue Vibhuti materialised by Swami at Sai Sruti in 2005.

A Muslim american visitor took this photograph in 1992. The word Allah is seen in the Vibhuti in the lower left hand side of the photo.

These containers were filled up with Vibhuti on His 66th Birhtday....

A ray of light - seen on the left - emanating from Swami's photo on the left.

Vibhuti appeared on Jalarambapa and Mataji above.

Shree Ganesh covered in crimson Vibhuti on Ganesh Chaturthi.

Above photo was covered in blue Vibhuti at Sai Sruti.

A photograph of the original temple in the 1990's.

Brown Vibhuti appeared on Swami's Padukas.

Kalika Mata covered in light Greenish Vibhuti on Navraatri Festival.

ka Mata covered in light Greenish Vibhuti with Red Vibhuti added on later on at Navraatri Festival.

In 1989 Swami left above Vibhuti piles in the Bedroom upstairs.

Nectar (Amrit) was seen dripping from Laxmiji's bottom left hand. Take a closer look!

Nectar (Amrit) was seen dripping from the middle of Shirdi Baba's mouth....take a closer look!

Lots of Vibhuti appeared in the bedroom upstairs in 1988.

Water was seen flowing out of Shivaji's hair and filled up the plate below.

Ganeshji covered in Grey Vibhuti.

Kumkum powder manifested by Swami on the photograph of Shree Matajji....take a close look at her feet.

Prema Sai - According to Sathya Sai Baba, Prema Sai will be his next incarnation in the year 2028 in the form of Shakti.