EL DESPERTAR SAI. : In Continued Love & Service - The Heart Beat - March 2018 In Continued Love & Service - The Heart Beat - March 2018 - EL DESPERTAR SAI.



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In Continued Love & Service - The Heart Beat - March 2018

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'The Heart Beat' Boletín de Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitales - Centros de Cuidado de Niños del corazón - Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh y Baghola, Palwal, Haryana, para el mes de marzo 2018.

Todos los servicios prestados son totalmente libre de costo a todo. Como siempre. 

Saludos cordiales, 
Equipo de Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani.
CHIRAYU Chhattisgarh 

Una iniciativa conjunta del Gobierno de Chhattisgarh y el Hospital Sanjeevani Sri Sathya Sai, Naya Raipur para lograr que el estado de enfermedad cardíaca congénita Chhattisgarh libre. 
Leer. Estar inspirado. Acto.

El mes de marzo 2018 se llenó de emoción, con la alegría de Sai Sanjeevani propagación a lo largo y ancho. Sai Sanjeevani, Naya Raipur y el Gobierno de Chhattisgarh han emprendido una nueva iniciativa llamada "Chirayu Chhattisgarh", en un esfuerzo por hacer que el estado de Chhattisgarh CHD libre. Entre los dos hospitales, se están gestionando más y más niños. Sai Centros Sanjeevani para Niños Heart Care cruzaron el 5000 cirugías y las intervencioneshito desde el inicio en noviembre de 2012. Le damos las gracias por su constante apoyo, aliento y amor. 

Este mes fue particularmente significativa ya que celebramos el Día Internacional de la Mujer, con la fuerza y el espíritu de las mujeres que se ejemplifican en las historias de los pacientes y de sus madres, y una creciente reserva de talento femenino en Sanjeevani, incluyendo pero no limitado a nuestro nuevo cardiaco cirujano jefe de Pediatría en Palwal, el Dr. Ragini Pandey. 

El modelo Sanjeevani de proporcionar calidad, totalmente libre de costo y compasivo cuidado de la salud fue compartida por nuestros doctores Dr. Ashish Katewa y el Dr. Yogesh Sathe en distintas Conferencias en Bangalore y Nagpur. Sanjeevani también hizo ondas de los medios de comunicación por aparecer en varios artículos de todo el mundo que veneraban su buen trabajo. 

El Programa Divina Madre y el Niño de Sanjeevani ha crecido a pasos agigantados, con miles de mujeres y niños obtener la educación necesaria y la atención médica en temas como la atención materna, la alimentación y la higiene, y proyecciones rurales ayudando a salvar vidas, al igual que en el caso del joven Neelam Kumari. 

Varios invitados - Dr. M Sasikala, el Dr. Christina Hofmann, el Dr. Rajaram, y los funcionarios de Temasek Fundación, Servicios de Salud de Singapur y Tata Fideicomisos visitaron los dos campus de Naya Raipur y Palwal, impartiendo, y la experiencia espiritual científica, médica. 

Actividades emocionantes en Sanjeevani como Umang Diwas, clases de Zumba, fiestas de cumpleaños y han ayudado a rejuvenecer los espíritus de todos aquí, ya que vienen juntos como una familia Sai Sanjeevani.

No estar en contacto. Sinceramente lo valoramos. 

Su equipo de Sai Sanjeevani

(Marzo de 2018)
103   Cirugías cardíacas pediátricas se realizó en marzo de 2018 y 4316   cirugías se han llevado a cabo en Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani hospital, Naya Raipur desde el inicio en noviembre de 2012, con los pacientes procedentes de todo el país y en otros países en desarrollo.
SERVICIOS paciente de la salida 
(Marzo de 2018)

1279 registros ambulatorios se registraron durante el mes - 750 nuevos casos pediátricos y 529 de revisita y seguimiento de los casos pediátricos. 813 registros de pacientes Pre se registraron este mes.
De un total de 1631 ECHO lleva a cabo este mes, 750 son nuevos casos pediátricos cardiacos como se muestra en la siguiente tabla. Se realizaron también 352 pacientes hospitalizados y TEE postoperatorias proyecciones y 529 de revisita y seguimiento ECHO médicos. 
(Marzo de 2018)

48 Cardiaca Pediátrica Las intervenciones se realizó en marzo de 2018.
PEDIATRICOS SERVICIOS AMBULATORIOS cardíaco (noviembre 2016-marzo 2018) 

Desde la creación del Hospital en noviembre de 2016, 3699 pediátricos ambulatorios cardíacos refugio sido proyectado y gestionado con los pacientes procedentes de 20states del país - Assam, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Jammu y Cachemira, Odisha, Punjab , Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Rajasthan, Uttarahand, Bengala Occidental, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra y Madhya Pradesh. 366 nuevos pacientes ambulatorios pediátricos se gestionaron de marzo de 2018. 

Cardiaca Pediátrica cirugías y las intervenciones (Abril 2017 - Mar 2018) 

El primer Cirugía Cardiaca Pediátrica en el Centro se llevó a cabo en 18 de abril de 2017. 276 cirugías cardíacas pediátrica han llevado a cabo desde abril de 2017 a Sri Sathya Sai Centro Internacional para Niños Sanjeevani Heart Care & Research, Baghola, Palwal, Haryana. 372 pediátricos Cath Las intervenciones se llevaron a cabo hasta la Mar 2018. 

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- 

Cirugías Cardiaca Pediátrica (mar 2018) 

Las intervenciones Cardiaca Pediátrica (mar 2018) 

Todos los servicios se prestan de forma totalmente gratuita

Un nuevo comienzo 
(De derecha a izquierda) 

Dr. Raman Singh, Primer Ministro, Gobierno de Chhattisgarh 
Mr C Sreenivas, Presidente, Sri Sathya Sai Salud y Educación Confianza 
Dr. Ashish Katewa, Director, Sri Sathya Sai hospital Sanjeevani, Naya Raipur 
Sr. Anil sahoo (NIC), Secretario, Departamento de Salud y Bienestar Familiar, Gobierno de Chhattisgarh 
Dr. Shruti Prabhu, Departamento de Salud Pública e Investigación, Sri Sathya Sai hospital Sanjeevani, Naya Raipur 
Sr. Subrat sahoo (NIC), Secretario Principal, Departamento de Salud y Bienestar Familiar, Gobierno de Chhattisgarh 
Sra Ranu Sahu (NIC), Director de la Dirección de Servicios de Salud, Departamento de Salud y Bienestar Familiar, Gobierno de Chhattisgarh,
La palabra 'Chirayu' en hindi significa 'larga vida'. Por incontables los padres de todo el país, cuyos hijos han nacido con corazones frágiles y cuyas sonrisas se desvanecen a una velocidad doloroso, 'Chirayu' sigue siendo un sueño lejano. 

Es para traer de vuelta las sonrisas de estas decenas de familias del estado de Chhattisgarh que Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani hospital, Naya Raipur y el Gobierno del Estado de Chhattisgarh han puesto en marcha un programa insignia -
 'Chirayu Chhattisgarh'. 

Un memorando de entendimiento formal fue firmado el 6 de marzo de 2018 en el augusta presencia del Dr. Raman Singh, Honorable Primer Ministro, Gobierno de Chhattisgarh, Sri C. Sreenivas, Presidente, Sri Sathya Sai Salud y Fondo de Educación y el Dr. Ashish Katewa,Director, hospital de Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani, Naya Raipur.
Desde su creación en noviembre de 2012, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani hospital, Naya Raipur, ha proporcionado una nueva oportunidad de vida a más de 1000 niños del estado, totalmente libre de costo. Bajo este programa, el Gobierno del Estado apoyará la expansión de la infraestructura de Sai Sanjeevani, Naya Raipur a que el Centro pueda realizar más operaciones de corazón infantil para niños de Chhattisgarh, apoyando así el estado en acercarse al objetivo de hacerse CHD libre. 

Equipo Sanjeevani pretende realizar más de 1000 cirugías cardíacas pediátricas para los niños del estado totalmente libre de costo al año y también proporcionar la formación necesaria para una amplia gama de trabajadores de salud de primera línea del estado.


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'The Heart Beat' Newsletter of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals - Centres for Child Heart Care - Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh and Baghola, Palwal, Haryana, for the month of March 2018.

All services rendered are Totally Free of Cost to All. As always.

Kind regards,
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Team.


A joint initiative by the Government of Chhattisgarh and Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur towards making the state of Chhattisgarh Congenital Heart Disease free.
Read. Be Inspired. Act.

The month of March 2018 was filled with excitement, with the joy of Sai Sanjeevani spreading far and wide. Sai Sanjeevani, Naya Raipur and the Government of Chhattisgarh have undertaken an exciting new initiative called "Chirayu Chhattisgarh", in an effort to make the state of Chhattisgarh CHD-free. Between the two hospitals, more and more children are being managed. Sai Sanjeevani Centres for Child Heart Care crossed the 5000 surgeries & interventions milestone since commencement in Nov 2012. We thank you for your constant support, encouragement and love.
This month was particularly meaningful as we celebrated International Women's Day, with the strength & spirit of women being exemplified in the stories of patients and their mothers, and a growing female talent pool in Sanjeevani, including but not limited to our new Senior Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon at Palwal, Dr. Ragini Pandey.
The Sanjeevani model of providing quality, Totally Free of Cost and compassionate healthcare was shared by our doctors Dr. Ashish Katewa and Dr. Yogesh Sathe in separate conferences in Bangalore and Nagpur. Sanjeevani also made media waves by appearing in various articles worldwide that venerated its good work.
The Divine Mother and Child Health Programme of Sanjeevani has grown by leaps and bounds, with thousands of women and children getting necessary education and medical attention on issues like maternal care, food and hygiene, and rural screenings helping to save lives, like in the case of young Neelam Kumari.
Several guests -  Dr. M Sasikala, Dr. Christina Hofmann, Dr. Rajaram, and Officials from Temasek Foundation, Singapore Health Services & Tata Trusts visited the two campuses of Naya Raipur and Palwal, imparting scientific, medical, and spiritual experience.
Exciting activities at Sanjeevani like Umang Diwas, Zumba classes, and birthday celebrations have helped rejuvenate the spirits of all here, as we come together as ONE Sai Sanjeevani family.

Do stay in touch. We sincerely value it.

Your Sai Sanjeevani Team

(March  2018)

103 Pediatric Cardiac surgeries were conducted  in March 2018 and 4316 surgeries have been conducted at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur since Inception in Nov 2012, with patients coming from all over the country and other developing countries.
(March  2018)

1279 outpatient registrations were recorded during the month - 750 new pediatric cases,  and 529 revisit and followup pediatric cases. 813 Patient Pre registrations were recorded this month.
Out of a total of 1631 ECHOs performed this month, 750 are new pediatric cardiac cases as shown in the table below. Also 352 post-operative inpatient & TEE screenings and 529 revisit and medical follow up ECHOs were performed.
(March  2018)

48 Pediatric Cardiac Interventions were conducted in March 2018.


Since the inception of the Hospital in November 2016, 3699 pediatric cardiac outpatients haven been screened and managed with patients coming from 20states of the country - Assam, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Odisha, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh,  Manipur, Rajasthan, Uttarahand, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. 366 New Pediatric Outpatients were managed in March 2018.



The first Pediatric Cardiac Surgery at the Centre was conducted on 18 April 2017. 276 Pediatric Cardiac surgeries have been conducted since April 2017 at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre for Child Heart Care & Research, Baghola, Palwal, Haryana. 372 Pediatric Cath Interventions were conducted till Mar 2018.


Pediatric Cardiac Surgeries (Mar 2018)

Pediatric Cardiac Interventions (Mar 2018)

All Services are rendered Totally Free of Charge

A New Beginning
(Right to Left)

Dr Raman Singh, Chief Minister, Govt of Chhattisgarh
Mr C Sreenivas, Chairman, Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust 
Dr Ashish Katewa, Director, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur
Mr Anil Sahoo (IAS), Secretary, Dept of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Chhattisgarh
Dr Shruti Prabhu, Dept of Public Health & Research, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur
Mr Subrat Sahoo (IAS), Principal Secretary, Dept of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Chhattisgarh
Mrs Ranu Sahu (IAS), Director, Directorate Health Services, Dept of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Chhattisgarh, 
The word 'Chirayu' in Hindi means 'long life'. For countless parents across the country, whose children are born with fragile hearts and whose smiles fade away at a painful speed, 'Chirayu' remains a distant dream.

It is to bring back the smiles of these scores of families of the state of Chhattisgarh that Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur and the State Government of Chhattisgarh have launched a flagship program -
'Chirayu Chhattisgarh'

A formal MoU was signed on March 6th, 2018 in the august presence of  Dr. Raman Singh, Honorable Chief Minister, Government of Chhattisgarh, Shri C. Sreenivas, Chairman, Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust and Dr. Ashish Katewa, Director, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur.

Since its inception in November 2012, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur, has provided a new lease of life to over 1000 children from the state, totally free of cost. Under this program the State Government shall support the infrastructural expansion of Sai Sanjeevani, Naya Raipur to enable the Centre to conduct more child heart surgeries for children from Chhattisgarh, thus supporting the state in getting closer to the aim of making itself CHD free.

Team Sanjeevani aims to conduct over 1000 pediatric cardiac surgeries for the children of the state totally free of cost annually and also provide necessary training to a wide range of frontline health workers of the state.
From Being Human to Becoming Divine!

Shri Salman Khan, Founder, 'Being Human' foundation, meets with Shri C Sreenivas, Chairman, Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust, Padma Bhushan Shri Sunil Gavaskar, Indian Cricketing Legend, and Shri Anil Muthyala, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani, Mumbai


MS, M Ch, FRCS (Gen Surgery), FRCS (C Th Ed)
Senior Consultant, Dept of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre for Child Heart Care & Research, Palwal, Haryana

Hailing from Maharashtra, Dr. Ragini Pandey pursued her MCh (Cardiothoracic Surgery) at the prestigious King Edward VII Memorial Hospital in Mumbai. After which, she continued her extensive training in the UK for 18 years, where she worked in various renowned hospitals, including the Birmingham Children's Hospital and the Great Ormand Street Hospital, London, training in pediatric cardiac surgery.

During this time, she also engaged in copious amounts of social service work, performing voluntary surgeries in several countries like Papua New-Guinea, Romania, Trinidad and Tobago, and Nepal.

After having lived in a developed country for so many years, and having served in developing countries, she observed the disparity in healthcare allocation between these nations. She calls it a 'post-code lottery', where many are deprived of the basic human right of healthcare simply due to where they are born. Joining institutes like Sathya Sai Sanjeevani, she feels, will help contribute to equalising that disparity, and she hopes to play a role in bridging the gap between those who have access to health care and those who do not due to circumstances beyond their control.  
Mother-Daughter duo treated for PDA
on International Women's day

On International Women's day 8th March 2018, a mother named Damyanti and her daughter Shreyanshi, both received the "Gift of Life" at Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, when they were treated for their cardiac ailment through Interventional Cardiac Catheterisation.

Damyanti, resident of Belangir district, Odisha lived a normal life until she was pregnant with her second child. She experienced breathlessness on exertion. Initially, she dismissed it thinking her symptoms might be due to pregnancy. But later it manifested in severe breathlessness, with difficulty in doing routine chores. Detailed investigations revealed her heart disease Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). Surgery was deferred due to her advanced stage of pregnancy by then. The joy of giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, Shreyanshi and holding her in her arms made her forget her illness but Damyanti's world came crashing down when Shreyanshi slowly developed similar complaints of breathlessness and difficulty in feeding and was diagnosed of the same condition PDA. 

The family tried to put all resources together to get their daughter operated but the cost of surgery was quoted as Rs. 2 lakhs in Odisha, which was beyond their budget. Damyanti's husband got to know about the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani hospital through a friend and hope dawned to get both mother and daughter treated here. When doctors at the hospital assured them that both could be treated, it was as if divine intervention had brought them to Naya Raipur.

Speaking about their experience in the hospital, the family was ecstatic and humbled that both received quality treatment, totally free of cost. Damyanti says "There is positive environment in the hospital, which seems like a temple to me, I feel like I am with my family".

PDA, Severe Valvar Aortic Stenosis

Cardiac Cath Intervention at Sai Sanjeevani, Palwal

Little Ruchi Kumari, age 6 years 3 months, was evaluated outside as having severe valvar Aortic Stenosis. She had fast breathing, excessive sweating while running, excessive precordial activity that were noticed by her parents over the last 6 months. Her detailed evaluation at Sanjeevani Palwal revealed a large PDA (5.5)mm, severe valvar Aortic Stenosis with echo transvalvar gradients of 106/60 mmHg (peak/Mean), (LV volume as well as pressure overload!). She was admitted after complete parental counselling about the child's heart condition as well as the risks involved during the procedures. The cardiologists planned for "Balloon Aortic Valvotomy & "Device closure of PDA" in the same sitting, and Ruchi was taken to the Cathlab. During LV catheterisation, transAortic valvar gradient measured 130 mmHg. She was successfully balloon dilated with Tyshak II balloon with resultant transAo valvar gradient measuring 21mmHg (catheter pull back). Her PDA measured 5.5 mm on Aortogram that was closed with AGA Device (ADO 8/10) with stable hemodynamics during & after the completion of the double intervention. Divine Help was evident in our treatment in the form of a brief unstable rhythm during ballooning that was reverted to normal with emergency treatment. Ruchi was observed in the Cardiac Care Unit over the next 24 hours. She remained stable hemodynamically and was discharged on Post Procedure day-2.


The story of Gauri Pandey (1year 3months) and her mother Sangita Pandey is one of the untiring love of a mother for her child and the Divine Mother for Her children.

Sangita Pandey had brought her daughter Gauri to Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Palwal from their home in Uttar Pradesh through sheer determination and the single-pointed goal of getting her child treated. Of course, a little Divine grace played a role too. Sangita had made her way to Palwal alone, without the support of her husband or other family members, and with little idea of how to get there. Fumbling along the way, kind strangers had guided her, and the mother and daughter duo successfully made it to the hospital. Gauri underwent an Atrial septectomy, Pulmonary Valvectomy on 26th February, and remained in the hospital for another 2 weeks. Sangita, being the sole patient attender of a 1-year-old baby, had to remain in the ICU and post-operative ward with her daughter day in and day out. Her relentless care and selfless sacrifice moved everyone in Sanjeevani, staff and patient attenders alike. The Divine Mother, who holds all of Her children in Her warm embrace, ensured that Sangita was also taken care of. On many instances, patient attenders and nurses offered to watch over little Gauri to give Sangita some much needed relief, allowing her to have her meals and take periodic rest. It was heartening to see an entire team of people rallying around Sangita and Gauri, exemplifying the sacred message of Sanjeevani – Love All, Serve All. Gauri was discharged on 13th March 2018, and given her 'Gift of Life' certificate. Many in the hospital also came forward to assist the pair on their journey home, with mother and daughter leaving with joy evident on their faces.  




For over a decade, Puja Kumari (10years 8months), from Karnal District in Haryana, had been battling with CHD. Her mother Anita Devi had gotten to know about her problem when Puja was a mere 1 and a half years old. A private hospital in Karnal had advised them to consult bigger hospitals in Delhi or Chandigarh. While they were planning for this and procuring the resources needed to undertake the journey, a double tragedy struck as Puja's father passed away, followed by demise of one of Anita's other children. At that point, Anita was despondent and could do little for the treatment of Puja, and put it off for many years. However, Puja and Anita did not give up and preserved through their tragic circumstances.

Serving as a housemaid, Anita tried to make ends meet for her family, while Puja, even at her tender age, took on the cooking and cleaning responsibilities of the household while her mother sought work. With the help of some gracious people in their society, who supported them at times by providing daily necessities like rice and grains, they gathered up whatever they had and finally managed to take Puja to a large private hospital in Delhi, which referred them to Sai Sanjeevani, singing high praises of the hospital. When they came to Palwal in December, the medical team assured Anita that the surgery could be performed on Puja, and successfully operated upon her heart in March. Puja was discharged 8 days later, completely hale and hearty, and Anita tearfully shared her story, stating, "even when there was nobody to look after me, God took after my child". Anita is determined to help others in similar situations as her, pledging to personally bring any child she comes across who has CHD to Sanjeevani. Despite their situation, they want to pass on the 'Gift of Life' that they have received to others. This is truly a moving story of how a mother and her child overcame immense personal tragedy and transformed into a triumph. 

Upon her return to Sanjeevani to get her stitches removed, Puja had come with a beautiful piece of artwork that she offered to the hospital as her gesture of gratitude.

An article on the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani model of Totally Free of Cost Pediatric Cardiac Care was featured this month in the 'Indian News, Queensland' portal.

An ASHA Training Program - Chikballapur district, Karnataka
Mathru Mitra means 'a friend to the mother'. ASHA Caregivers are field workers selected from local communities by the Government to provide information and support for the improvement of maternal health amongst rural women. ASHA Caregivers play an important role in the Healthcare Delivery System of Rural India. Every  Government run Primary Health Centre (PHC) has designated ASHA Caregivers, who are each assigned 7-10 pregnant mothers under their care. They are trained to take care of the physical & emotional issues the mothers face during pregnancy.

To further their knowledge in delivering effective care, a Knowledge Sharing Medical Conclave was organized in Muddenahalli, Chikballapur in collaboration with Cloud Nine Hospitals- a leading Maternity and Child Care Hospital Chain. Close to 470 ASHA caregivers and nurses from all over Chikballapur distict attended the programme, which had sessions on Prevention and Management of Post Partum Haemorrhage, New Born Resuscitation and Care of New Born, Local Taboos of Anaemia in Pregnancy, etc.

Empowering these ASHA caregivers through Mathru Mitra is the first step towards building a sense of camaraderie amongst them and thereby leading to the transformation of healthcare delivery. 

The District Health Officer Dr Ravishakar, MD (Gen Medicine) was part of  inauguration ceremony along with Shri Narayan Rao, Secretary, Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust and DMCHP Medical Coordinators Dr Satish Babu and Dr Nithyanand

Chikballapur district, Karnataka - March 2018
March 25th being Sri Rama Navami, a major festival in the region, was celebrated by DMCHP doctors and volunteers where 661 pregnant mothers were screened by a team of 21 doctors and 30 volunteers in 21 PHC's in Chikballapur district. Adding value to the program, a high risk pregnancy follow-up team was formed consisting of a radiologist and obstretician to provide more support at Sri Sathya Sai Sarala Memorial Hospital, Muddenahalli.

DMCHP is slowly bringing about a revolution in the Healthcare Delivery  System of Rural India and the backbone of this initiative are the volunteers and doctors who contribute their time and effort to this selfless work of protecting young mothers-to-be.

Pictured below are Dr Rajalakshmi, an Octogenarian who travels all the way from Chennai every month to be a part of this programme. She was a former Professor of  Obstetrics & Gynaecology
 at Stanley Medical College and retired as a Medical Superintendent of a leading Govt Medical Hospital. She is truly an inspiration to all of us and we are grateful for her association with us.
The Department of Public Health team, Naya Raipur, were in for a pleasant surprise when they travelled 30km away from the hospital to the village of Parsada on the fourth Tuesday of this month, where the team conducts monthly mother support group (MSG) sessions, which they fondly refer to as "Matruchaya". This time they were joined by three new born babies of mothers who were regular participants of the mother support group.

This initiative is part of the Divine Mother and Child Health Program. The main objective of the mother support group is to empower pregnant women, their families and the community with essential information related to pregnancy and childbirth. Innovative health education aids are used to disseminate information about important topics such as nutrition during pregnancy, danger signs, importance of regular antenatal check-ups, regular iron, folic acid and calcium supplementation, timely ultrasonography and infant & young child feeding practices. This session focused on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding, since it was attended by mothers of tiny tots and would-be mothers.

It was very heartening to see these babies healthy and with good birth weight (about 3kg). Their mothers, who were regular participants of the MSG, voiced the impact of the sessions and noted a significant difference between their previous pregnancies and this recent one. After the session, the team made home visits to the new born babies and gifted them new clothes. With these positive results, the team plans to spread it to a larger community.


*Total no. of children screened till present: 1342

*Mothers screened: 38

*Total screened (mothers + children): 1380

*Total no. of screenings since March '18: 182


the story of Neelam Kumari D/O Satyaprakash

Neelam Kumari, 15 years 2 months, from Govt. High School Firozpur, was screened by the Palwal DMCHP team and detected for ASD Congenital anomaly. Totally unaware of her underlying heart defect for 15 years, when her parents came to know about her condition, they were heartily thankful to the doctors and staff of Sanjeevani Palwal for saving their daughter from unseen misery to come.

The father of the child, with full faith, left their daughter in the hands of our medical staff. He said, "do as you wish, I have complete faith" which also boosted the morale of the Sanjeevani team. Neelam underwent successful cath intervention under the capable hands of our pediatriac cardiologist Dr. Yogesh Sathe and his team.

Her parents do not have enough words to thank God in the form of the doctors and hospital for giving Neelam new life. Neelam's brother is also eager to join as a volunteer. Their happiness is beyond words, and can only be felt through their thankful smiles. It is heartening to see the DMCHP programme come full circle, with rural screening processes helping to save lives.

Neelam with Dr. Yogesh, and Neelam receiving her 'Gift of Life' certificate

कृमि से छुटकारा , सेहतमंद भविष्य हमारा

 "worm-free children, healthy children"

De-worming activity was done in the month of March for school children of the government primary school in Deoli and the midday meal workers of the school. Deworming tablets and a general health check were also given to the housekeeping, canteen, and security of the hospital.

This activity was planned considering how much the health of the school children was affected due to quality of food and food hygiene. All who attended the programme were given the necessary education regarding the spread of waterborne and airborne diseases like Tuberculosis, Cholera, Dysentry, Jaundice, Typhoid, Asthma etc. and the importance of hygiene to prevent these diseases from affecting children and staff. The purpose of this deworming exercise was explained to the children and staff, and they received it with great enthusiasm.

HITAVADA, City Line, Raipur Edition
Central Chronicle, Raipur Edition
Officials from Temasek Foundation, Singapore Health Services & Tata Trusts
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur
A delegation of doctors and nurses from Singapore – 7 members representing Singapore Health and Temasek Foundation and 3 members from Tata trusts visited Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur and Sri Sathya Sai Sowbhagyam on 30th & 31st March 2018. The delegation included Pediatrician, Anaesthetist, Neonatologist, Obstetrician and OGBY nurses. The delegation was completely mesmerised by the serenity of Sowbhagyam – Center for Human Development.

The team of doctors and staff at Sai Sanjeevani hospital and Sai Sanjeevani Nursing College guided the delegation to a detailed tour of Sowbhagyam including visit to the sacred space, Auditorium and seminar rooms followed by dinner. 

The next day, 31st March 2018, the guests were taken on a detailed tour of the hospital including the ICU and Dept of Public Health and Research. The team was particularly impressed by the Skills Lab in Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Nursing, acknowledging its importance in capacity building and training of Nursing staff. The visit ended with a 'Gift of Life' presentation wherein the group interacted with children operated at the hospital and their parents. 

Dr. M Sasikala, Head (Research), Asian Healthcare Foundation, Hyderabad, visited Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre for Child Heart Care & Research, Palwal, Haryana this month to advise the medical team on the research agenda of the Centre. 

Dr. Christina Hofmann, a dental surgeon and a Homeopathy doctor from Germany, visited Sai Sanjeevani, Naya Raipur

With her decades of surgical and intensive care experience, Dr Christina conducted training sessions for the OT & ICU staff at the Hospital. She spent precious time with the little hearts of the hospitals teaching young Sanjeevani Nurses by example the essence of  MATRUCHHAYA - the love and care of a mother.

Dr. Rajaram, Spiritual Coordinator, Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Educational Institutions, visited Sai Sanjeevani, Palwal along with a few alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions, inspiring one and all on the sacred journey towards Divinity. 

Blessings on Birthdays
March also saw the birthday of one of our little friends, 4 year old Shrishti Thakur, who celebrated it in the post-operative ward with our nurse superintendent Mrs. Rashminder Chopra, and other staff, patients, and patient attenders. What a joy it was to see the children getting to have a little treat while their little hearts are on the mend.

Umang Diwas 
UMANG DIWAS is a bi-monthly PATIENT ALUMNI MEET conducted by Sai Sanjeevani to reconnect with the hearts healed at the Temple of Healing and together celebrate the Triumph of Love. This month, Ms Riya Patel and Ms Ritika Chandra, who were operated in 2017, from Bhilai & Balod performed a group song with the Bal Vikas kids of Raipur Hospital for the songs - TERI HAI ZAMI TERA ASMA and BLESS THE LORD, OH MY SOUL.

International Women's Day
This year's International Women's Day at Sanjeevani saw the distribution of roses to all the women in the hospitals- staff, patients, and patients attenders alike with smiles blooming on the faces of these dozens of women.
RELAXATION THROUGH MOVEMENT - Zumba and dance classes have officially been launched at Sanjeevani Palwal, and the first session involving patient attenders took place this month. The parents were made to relax and relieve stress through movements, both gentle and vigorous. This was led by Annapurna Guha, trained Kathak dancer, who is the DMCHP coordinator at Sanjeevani Palwal. The enthusiasm and energy they displayed was amazing to watch. The patient attenders left the 30 minute session feeling looser, tension oozing away from their previously wound up shoulders.
Spirit of Love All Serve All
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's tenet for mankind LOVE ALL - SERVE ALL, that guides all activities at Sai Sanjeevani, is also celebrated every month by recognizing Sanjeevani Members who inspire all of us by going beyond their call of duty to give more joy, more compassion and more smiles to the little hearts at Sai Sanjeevani.

This month Dr Rajshri, Head, Department of Physiotherapy and Chameli & Surekha from the Housekeeping team were chosen by the staff members for the award for their special contributions.
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