SukshmaBabaReport 542 22-8-17 Isaac Talk 2007
Sai Ram
Attached is a speech given by Isaac Tigrett in 2007 in Singapore.
We urge everyone to read it and digest what was said.
It is filled with important spiritual insights.
For us, he gave a new perspective of some experiences and others
we were not aware of. Isaac filled in several gaps in my thinking and feeling.
You may want to read it more than once.
Be Happy
Always Have Compassion
Sai Surya
A Talk By Isaac Tigrett
Founder, Hard Rock Café and House of Blues
Sri Sathya Sai Centre Of Singapore 16th July, 2007
Introduction was given by Sriram of Singapore, at which he referred to Isaac Tigrett as 'Doctor Tigrett' (Tigrett has two honorary degrees).
That's very funny: "Doctor Tigrett" for a gentleman that didn't even graduate from High School! You see what these institutions will do to make money? They have graduation and convocation ceremonies, a well- known person in their field comes to draw the crowd, and they give you a PhD, and then they call you Dr. Tigrett. It's funny.
I want to thank you all; what a crowd this is! I am glad I can still draw a crowd at this late stage of my life. This gentleman pointing the camera at me, Nathan, said to me when I arrived, "Do you remember me? I filmed you in the States in 1986?" What a small Sai world.
I don't normally read from notes, I just speak spontaneously. But, I thought tonight I would have notes because they're filming. The last time I spoke was in 1993, it was filmed, and it ended up being in the ashram before I even got there a week later. I will refer to these notes from time to time. This is probably the last time I am going to speak for some time.
I want to thank the Organization for having me. This is probably the fourth time I have been to a Sai Organization meeting - it shows how tight I am with the Sai Organization! I want to thank Mr. Manchanda and his lovely wife for putting me up. We had a great dinner tonight. Veenam, thank you very much and, of course, Sriram who took me around and showed me the remarkable activities of Sava that you've created here in Singapore. I have heard of and seen many activities created by Sai groups. I have never seen anything that's as dynamic as what you are all doing here in Singapore. I went over to the old folk's home you created and picked a bed out for myself! They said they were taking people from 65 years on. I'm getting very close to that!
This is really more of an update than anything else. I was blessed when Sai Baba asked me to speak in the USA back in 1990. He wanted me to talk about some of the metaphysical things that he's allowed me to experience, primarily, I believe, so that you would know that the form in Puttaparthi is only a small aspect of our Lord Sathya Sai Baba.
The Masters have come from time to time when the world's dharma has gone off track in the wrong direction. They don't come to build hospitals. They don't come to have colleges or start religions, or even to save or have devotees; that's secondary to their purpose.
They come to vibrate in this dimension, to put the world scene back on the right track, to re-energize the planet.
Tonight I will be talking about the metaphysical. This is going to be an update from the last talk I gave in 1990. He called me back then to Puttaparthi after I had spoken a couple of times. He said, "Don't talk anymore, Tigrett," and I haven't for 15 years. A few things have happened since then, so I thought that I'd tell you a little bit of some of these miraculous opportunities I have had to serve him. I am not psychic. I am not a yogi. I don't have any psychic abilities. I asked him some years ago, "Why are you using me for this work?" Baba said, "Because you're convenient and you're obedient! The second you think you have anything to do with this work, it's over."
It's been a very exciting time. I guess I've gotten used to all these unusual things now. I was thinking, before we began tonight, how strange a lot of this is going to sound to you. However, I believe Swami is interested in you knowing more about the formless. I am going to repeat some of the things that were on the first tape in '93 because people loved to hear about the miraculous visitations.
So, let me begin talking about the first time I ever met Sai Baba. I had a brother that had died in my arms when I was 13 years old. He was 11. It was a freak accident behind my family's winter home in Arizona. I went into trauma and didn't speak for about a year.
At that time, things that were not of my own making started coming into my consciousness. I thought I was going mad; so did my parents. They sent me to a therapist who said, "He's not psychotic, he's probably experiencing some kind of neurological problem."
There was this great preacher, a friend of my Dad's, named Norman Vincent Peale. I don't know if anyone's ever heard of Norman, but he was a great man and wrote the famous book, The Power of Positive Thinking, whose message is identical to The Secret, which is out now and everybody seems to be enjoying. Norman said, "Isaac, these things that are happening to you are not unusual. It's happened to many people since the beginning of time. If you're aware of dimensional dynamics, you're going to have to spend your life defining your spirituality." We are all on different paths to the same destination - a journey from Atma to Atma.
Swami loves to give faith and He loves to take it away. He is such a little Krishna, and I know he is listening to me tonight. When I go back to Puttaparthi, if I have said anything wrong, I'm going to get into trouble, so here's hoping everything I speak of tonight is correct. I am the most unlikely character to have had these experiences. It's just my good fortune and the fact that I am convenient and obedient. Baba knows if asked to jump off this building, I would jump at the chance.
My material life, which Swami has graciously guided me through, was one of good fortune. I made my first $250,000 when I was 18 by bringing old Rolls Royce cars back to the US from England. My father and mother were divorced, and my dad went to England. I followed him and he put me to work in a factory called "Carr's Biscuits of Carlyle." I was the doughboy there for about a year and a half, being paid 16 pounds a week for a 60 hour week. I pumped beer in a pub after work for bed and breakfast. I was 17.
I saved 600 pounds over that year-and-a-half, and bought my mother an old Rolls Royce as a gift for letting me go off to England to be with my dad. As I took it off the boat in New York, a man came up and said, "Hey, I'll give you $35,000 for that car." I sold it on the spot. I discovered a window in a market. I went back and bought a dozen cars as they were only 5% to 10% of the price in the USA, and then 15 cars, then 20, etc.; then the rest is history. The window closed after only a year. It was 1968 and at 19, I walked away with $250,000! Swami really threw me into the deep end in my early years. It was a fascinating whirlwind experience, to say the least.
Swami had birthed me into an old Southern American family that was extremely wealthy and powerful. They came over the Carolinas in covered wagons in 1814 into the Tennessee Valley, and were the original founders of Jackson, Tennessee, my hometown. I went to Isaac Burton Tigrett Junior High School. I lived on Tigrett Place. I could never be more powerful, or as rich, or famous as I was in that small southern town. Swami got the fascination for fame, money and power out of my system at a tender young age. So many people spend their entire lives searching for these transient, delusional things. We in the West are born to seek fame, money and power. Bharath is the engine of the Earth's spiritual train. The majority of the village people of the great land of Bharath are born to seek God. It's part of the nature and duty of the country and its people.
It's extraordinary that so many of the great masters have been born in India. It still plays the spiritual role in this very unique period of time, which we are all blessed to be incarnated into.
I lived in England in the revolutionary 60s, famous for the Love and Peace movement. I was a 'hippie' then and I'm a 'hippie' now! I still don't trust anyone over 30! Peace and Love remain as my mantra. I was very blessed to open a then-revolutionary establishment called the Hard Rock Café, on London's Hyde Park corner, at the age of 22 (using my car cash). It became the first classless restaurant in the class-laden English society, represented the Rock 'n' Roll culture, and was instantly successful after its opening in 1971. They're still queuing today! The Hard Rock Café is now in 124 locations in 43 countries, including its most recent arrivals in Mumbai, Bangalore, and Pune, India some 37 years later. (Now the world famous "brand" includes several Hard Rock Hotels and Casinos, and many more on the way.)
I first went to India in 1974, about two-and-a-half years after the Hard Rock success story began. I went on a search for the Master that had been calling me for years. I visited ashrams and yogis all over India. Dejected by my failure to locate him after many months of searching, I decided to return to England. On my last day in India, in a hotel breakfast room in Aurangabad, a picture of Sai Baba called to me, "I'm waiting for you." I rushed to the reception desk and asked the identity of the man in the picture. They told me He was the Guru of the hotel owner, and that He lived in Bangalore. I immediately flew to Bangalore, and went out to his new college in Whitefield, where it was reported that He was in residence.
It was a Sunday morning. A small crowd had gathered under a tree in the courtyard. I was standing at the front gate leaning against the wall, dressed in black, my Ray Bans shading my eyes. This amazing creature floated down a tree-filled ramp across the courtyard to me and said, "You've come at last! I've been waiting for you. We are old friends. Wait here. We have much work to do together!" I waited for 15 years before He spoke to me again. In retrospect, this was a great boon. As the form was not paying any attention to me, I had to study the formless. Over those years, I would visit Puttaparthi for two weeks, two months or two days; whenever I could get off from my work in developing the Hard Rock Café. I discovered Him and my true identity through His words.
How many of you have read a Sai Baba book in the last month? Not many I'd wager. Sai Baba said that He could count His 'true' devotees on one hand. What does this mean? I believe it means that only a Realized Being can recognize another Realized Being. Only 12 rishis knew who Lord Rama was while he was on the planet; only a handful around Lord Buddha; 12 disciples of Jesus Christ. Yet today, 2,000 years later, Jesus has a billion devotees on the planet who have never seen Him or heard His voice. How can this be?
I believe that the Jyothi Lamp is lit in the vibrations of the words they leave behind; that we find our spiritual identity in the vibrations of these words of Ultimate Truth. Sai Baba is preparing to leave us. He said He would leave at 96. He has also said that He could leave his body anytime He wished. Are you ready for this event? Are you only attached to the form? Do you know the formless? He has told us over and over again that we are Divine Beings, that we are Him. Do you know your true identity? How can we know?
We're in for some very, very interesting times. Many years ago, a boy I grew up with in Tennessee became a famous politician and conservationist. His name is Al Gore. I supported him in many of his endeavors. He became a congressman, then a senator, then Vice President of the United States.
Twenty years ago, he called me to the Senate Office Building and told me a story about the coming destruction of the biosphere of our Earth. He had spent years researching the chemistry of our sacred biosphere and planet.
He told me, "We are destroying our planet. Our civilization as we know it is going to be changed. Irrevocable damage is being done." I said, "What are you talking about?" He said, "Well, first of all we have something called the ozone in the upper atmosphere that's being destroyed at the North and South Poles due to gases we use in refrigeration and aerosol cans. This is allowing ultra-violet light to flood the planet. Ultra- violet light destroys the plankton on the surface of the oceans. The plankton is the first in the food chain for our oceans. If the plankton goes, the seas will die within three or four years. The ultra-violet light will also melt the Polar Caps. This will cause oceans to rise and many of the coastal cities will be flooded and inhabitable.
Typhoid and other diseases will run rampant. The world's financial markets will crash.
"We're also putting out CO2 emissions in the atmosphere, due to burning of coal and fuel oil to create electricity and run cars. This is causing a 'greenhouse-like' effect, warming the temperature of our atmosphere and our oceans. If the temperature of the oceans and atmosphere go up 2o Centigrade, the weather patterns of the Earth will change dramatically and irrevocably. Places where there is rain will have drought. Places that are cold will become warm, which will cause turmoil in the growing seasons around the planet, causing devastating effects to the world's food supplies.
We are also causing irrevocable damage to our underground water systems. Due to the population explosion on the planet, industrialized farming has become a profitable business. To protect good yields, millions of tons of chemicals have been put on our growing fields in America, Europe, Russia, etc., which will eventually poison all our drinking water. All of these things combined will cause lifestyle on this planet to change forever." Al said it would all happen by 2040 to 2050. I rushed to ask Sai Baba if this was true. His reply,
"God is allowing mankind to destroy the Earth. Only when mankind is brought to his knees, will he turn towards God." Al Gore was wrong. He was off by 25 years. It's beginning now! What does this mean?
All the great civilizations of this planet have had a beginning, middle, and an end: the Mesopotamian Valley, the Kingdoms of Egypt, the Greeks, and Romans, the Aztec, Mayan, and Toltec cultures. The last Renaissance was in Italy in the 1500s. These great civilizations were always localized in a small part of the planet. Today however, if there is going to be a change in our culture, our civilization, it will be a global one. God bless the Internet, 747s, and cell phones! This creates the modern 'network,' the backbone for a change in our 'global' consciousness. And what kind of change will this be? Is the 'Golden Age' at hand, as promised?
Today, the delusion of the world, or Maya, is affecting the entire peace of the planet and its citizens. The mantra of sex, power, money and fame invades our consciousness from every direction. It is an insatiable appetite whose only child is despair. This Maya must be destroyed, taken to ashes. Why? Because if a new culture is going to come, the old one must be cleaned. Out of the ashes rises the Phoenix.
A New Age is at hand; one where the outer, temporary world will be forsaken for a world of introspection. What do we find within ourselves? There are no countries, no borders, no caste system, no sexes, no diseases, only the One. This global discovery of introspection will bring in the Golden Age of Self-Realization long promised. And who will reign over this Golden Age? Could it be the last of the triple Sai incarnations, Bhagavan Sri Prema Sai Baba?
This is truly the greatest time to be incarnated on this planet. Millions have prayed for thousands of years for this time to come, and now the Golden Door is opening. Are you ready? They say the darkest hour is always before the dawn. Do not fret. God is in His heaven. All is right with the world, just the way it is. I never dreamed I would be here at this auspicious time. It's so exciting. Now we must all ask Sai Baba the only question there is to ask Him, "Lord, what can I do for you?" We must be beacons of light in a sea of darkness, and help him bring in this new era of consciousness of the 'present,' or as He says, "This is not the present, this is the Omnipresent." Are you going to fearfully run, hide, and protect your little patch of ground (the Me), or finally tune into the collective We? Don't worry, your knees will eventually hit the ground and you will know, unequivocally, All Is One.
Swami is a Zen Master. If you've been to Prasanthi then you will have experienced the phenomenon of being in the Divine Presence. He brings the worst out of the good and the best out of the bad, in each. That's His job. How's He going to change you unless He pulls out of you that which must be changed so you can see it and change it? He wants you to put at His feet your fear, anger, hatred, prejudice, etc. He changes you for the better, but only if you ask. He will not interfere with your free will. You take one step towards Him, He takes a hundred toward you. This is how the phenomenon of the Master works.
It was 1974 when I met Sai Baba. I was 24 years old, and I was a little wilder than I am now. A few months after our first meeting, I was at a party in Hollywood, California. I had been drinking and taking drugs, which I loved to do at the time. I was getting a little dizzy and I thought it was time to go home. I got into a Porsche Targa sports car, went speeding home and fell asleep at the wheel doing 80 miles-an-hour on a reversed camber turn, and went crashing through a guard rail. The car went into a ravine. There was no chance of survival.
The car went over and over a number of times. I had no seat belt on. The top was down on the car. As I went through the guardrail and started to spin, I felt a pressure on my shoulders. I looked to my right and there was Sai Baba (who I had just met 6 months before) sitting next to me with His arm around my shoulder. He put some sort of force field around me as we tumbled over and over, "A dozen times," he told me 15 years later! The car was completely destroyed. There was no windshield. The roll bar was bent down below my shoulders. The front was smashed. The sides, everything was destroyed. There was nothing left of the car. It landed upright, and I got out and walked away without even a scratch or a bruise! Saved by the little Guru?
I immediately went to Puttaparthi to thank Him. I sat there for three weeks. He did not even look at me. When something like this happens to you, you say "Was it my imagination? Was it really Him? Was it an illusion? What was it?" Whether then proven true or not, you have no choice but to dive back in and say, "What is going on here?"
Six months later, in the winter of 1976, I was on a wild binge with a number of friends. I used to have a little entourage I traveled with. Again, I was taking drugs, and drinking. I was enamored with a new pill called methaqualone, or ludes. I had broken up with my first true love and was traveling around the United States on a wild party binge, nursing a broken heart. I woke up in Colorado one morning and heard Swami's voice saying, "You are going to die today." I thought it was the pills that I had been taking for two weeks. So I threw them away, and headed for the airport. I got onto an airplane at the tiny airport in Aspen, Colorado, where I had been staying, and flew to Denver where I was catching a connecting flight to LA, to get to my home in Malibu, California.
I missed my connecting flight and had to check into an airport hotel overnight. I sat down on the bed in my hotel room. The bedroom started spinning. I went into an epileptic fit, which is what happens when you stop taking large amounts of methaqualone. Your body contracts immediately. I lost all motor response. I was hyperventilating. I couldn't see. I fell to the ground and swallowed my tongue. I died on the floor of that hotel room in Denver, Colorado.
Let me just interject here for those of you who fear death, "Don't waste your time!"
My spirit came out of the top of my head, just like I have read about. I was suddenly on top of the room looking down at my dead body. I started laughing hysterically. I remarked to my new Self, looking at my dead body on the floor. "What's that? I'm not that! I'm this, the Light Body! I can't die! That which has never been born can never die! I can't be soiled! I can't be harmed! I can't be hurt! I'm a Divine Being! I am bliss! I'm the Light Body!"
Sai Baba suddenly arrived in the room, picked up my body and put it on the bed. I was watching this from above. He pulled my tongue out from my throat and pressed on my chest. When He pressed on my chest, my Spirit re-entered my body and I was up looking at Him. He smiled and disappeared. I was saved from bliss so that I could come here and talk to you all tonight!
I hope you try to believe me, or at least die trying! I can assure you that there is nothing to fear. I was there and have returned through the grace of Sai to tell you. There is no time on the other side. There is no karma being created on the other side. There is also no karma being destroyed. Each Spirit there is anxious to reincarnate here! This is where the action is! This is the only dimension where karma is being created and where it is being destroyed. This is the turning of the wheel. This is the "Omnipresent!" These two Sai sightings in '76' were followed by a third in 1980.
I had a horrible experience with a partner when I first started the Hard Rock. He was desperately trying to destroy me from the first day I met him. I had a recurring dream after our first meeting in which I had him staked down to the desert floor in some ancient time in some Arabic land. I was in an Arabic body, as was he. I had a big fire pit, and I had a long wooden spear in the fire. I would take it out of the fire and poke him with it. I tortured him with it for a long time—days and days. I knew I had harmed this person in a past life, and I knew that I had the opportunity to pay for it in this one. Through the Grace of Sai, I was made aware of this opportunity .
He was on the attack from the first day, and I knew there was nothing I could do about it. He did everything he could to destroy my reputation and my relationships with friends and family.
His psychiatrist even called me and warned that he had never seen a case of such extreme obsessive hatred! "He wants to destroy you!" I knew
I couldn't respond in any way. I couldn't defend myself. I had to bear it to pay back the karma. It was a horrific nine years. It finally got so bad, I broke down into tears after a brutal attack on the people he knew I loved the most, my co-workers at the Hard Rock. Tears running down my face, I went over to a little park called Green Park, across from Hard Rock. I sat on a park bench and prayed, "Swami, please, surely I have paid this guy back enough, for Christ's sake! This has become unbearable. Please forgive me!"
It was middle of the afternoon on a beautiful English summer's day. I felt the presence of something to my right. I looked and saw Sai Baba sitting on the park bench next to me. I looked away in shock and amazement. When I looked back, He was gone. So, I pulled myself together and walked back to my office. We had nine years of records in a long corridor at the entrance of the offices in filing cabinets. As I walked, in these letters and numbers started resounding in my head: A3, B16, C12. I realized quickly these were file drawers and file numbers in the cabinets.
So, I pulled out file drawer A and went back to the third file and pulled it out, went to B, went to file 16, to C and file 12. All these letters and numbers that were coming through my head had been placed there by no other than Lord Sai. I sat on the office floor with dozens of files, opened each and found one characteristic they all shared. They all had white-out (the white liquid secretaries use to cover up typing mistakes) over various typed lines on pages in each file. I examined them closely and realized that if you turned the pages over, you could see on the back, the typed impressions backwards through the paper. This idiot thought he was hiding his evil little plots and plans from me, but not from Baba. This guy had been embezzling money, and doing all kinds of naughty things at my expense, since the beginning of our partnership!
Files under my arm, I went over to his house, stood in his doorway and screamed with joy, "I know everything and I'm going to sue you for the money you have stolen! Everyone in London will know what a crook you are! Name your price! It's time for you to go!" He sold his interest in Hard Rock to me for twice what it was worth and got territories as well to operate Hard Rock in, but I didn't care. The karma was paid. He got a deserved free ride off my talent, and made millions. A perfect payment!
All this due to the Sai energy. And that's the reason it was The Hard Rock Café exists. It's outrageous and continuing success is simply Sai Baba
and nothing else. I was just His instrument, just as we all can be in whatever we are doing in this life. God's Will Be Done! Or as emblazoned on the walls of every Hard Rock Café in the world, and seen by nearly a billion people to date: LOVE ALL—SERVE ALL!
In late 1974, I made my second visit to India, and for the first time entered Prasanthi Nilayam, the Abode of Peace. This, of course, is Sai Baba's Ashram in his birthplace of Puttaparthi, Anantapur District, in the State of Andhra Pradesh. The ashram was nothing compared to what visitors see today. It only had a few buildings, 3 blocks of rooms, 5 sheds and 1 canteen (the South Indian Canteen). The entire infrastructure, the bookstore, accommodation, security, etc., were opposite the canteen on the Main Street. The Poona Chandra (meeting hall) had been recently constructed, and the focal point of the whole Ashram was Sai Baba's home and temple, known as the Mandir, a plain white stone two-story structure that was under renovation, and a small square sand-filled courtyard where He appeared twice a day. Men and women were separated and there were only a few lines of each. The Ashram was over-run with hippies who had flooded India after the Beetles' infamous visit to the Maharishi's ashram in Rishikesh a few years earlier. The entire mosquito population of the Earth, I was convinced, was birthed in Puttaparthi. I hooked up with a group of ganja-carrying hippies, blasting the latest revolutionary music from San Francisco and London.
I met a gentleman named Paul Roberts from Oxford, England, and we quickly became quite close. He introduced me to a woman and her husband, named Phyllis and Sydney Krystal, from Los Angeles. They were in their late fifties and were attached to the newly-formed Sai Organization of the USA. I was still suffering from disturbances from my childhood. On meeting Phyllis, she somehow recognized this and said she could help, and put me through a visualization technique she called a 'reverie.' It had a dramatic effect on my consciousness and the tumultuous relationship that I had with myself and my family since the deaths of my two brothers and my parent's divorce. It was miraculous in its effect, and I kept in contact with Phyllis continuously from that time. I visited her in California where she slowly introduced me to this phenomenal work.
Phyllis, in my opinion, is one of the greatest yoginis to walk the planet. Her unique work, now known to be given by Sai Baba, has served hundreds of thousands, if not millions of individuals over that last 45
years. It would take me days to tell you of the many 'reveries' I experienced with her prior to Sai Baba's order that we should work together some 15 years after we first met.
Phyllis, Sydney, I and other devotees were called in to Sai Baba's then residence and Interview Room in the Mandir in 1989. During that auspicious interview, Sai Baba shocked both Phyllis and I when He announced that I was to move to California from England and acquire a home next to Phyllis'. I was from then on to "work with Mrs. Krystal," as said Sai Baba. At that interview, He manifested a giant gemstone that He called a diamond, uttered a Sanskrit description of it, and gave it to me. "Mrs. Krystal will show you how to use it," He proclaimed. He also produced a pen for Mrs. Krystal and told her, "My books are inside the pen. Go write them."
I bought a home in California next to the Krystal's, and moved there alone, as my wife Maureen wanted to stay in England with her children. What transpired over the next 15 years is frankly beyond description. I will do my best to tell you of the dynamics, which I can only describe as inter- dimensional, transcending time and space, which Lord Sai Baba introduced into my life.
I will speak briefly of my knowledge of Mrs. Krystal's work, or should I say the 'work' that Sai Baba has given to Mrs. Krystal. He, at that early juncture, told Mrs. Krystal not to reveal that He was the source. Sai Baba, only recently, told Mrs. Krystal she could finally reveal the 'Creator' of her life's work was Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
The basics of the 'the work,' as I have experienced it, is thus: This work is a gift, a metaphysical gift from Sai to help us through the complex difficulties in life. They are, on the surface, simple visualization techniques that a child or an adult can easily follow. These unusually effective techniques are indeed aided with divinely created symbols, which are all- powerful. In other words, Sai Baba has created Divine 'thought-forms' which are laden with His energy.
As the work describes, so beautifully explained by Mrs. Krystal, the symbols can be visualized (or contacted) to aid all in difficult, troubled human situations. They can free you from fear, anger, or psychic attack from others. They can aid in difficult decisions, and free you from parental control. They can help you raise your child, and put you in contact with
your own higher nature (the High Consciousness). They demonstrate the 'correct way' to communicate with others nearby or at a distance. They are real, they are effective, and are given with Love from Sai, who is the outward manifestation of the High Consciousness within each of us.
I can only testify to the amazing, unequivocal results I have witnessed first-hand, which in many cases are instantaneous. Beyond this personal testimonial stands hundreds of thousands who have experienced the amazing transforming work of Phyllis Krystal.
I beseech all of you to check it out, because what you will see is that this is approachable, metaphysical, paranormal help for all. I will talk about it for the first time tonight.
Sai Baba has created, with Divine Energy, thought forms. They are real symbols that sit on another nearby dimension. Sai Baba gives you the opportunity to come into contact with these very simple symbols through simple visualization, meditation techniques. These symbols carry Divine Energy that will help unleash you from fear, hatred, envy, greed, parental control, indecision and negative thoughts emitting from you and others, which can become physic attacks that cause negativity in other neighborhoods including your own. Read the books. It's real and it's given to aid us by a Realized Being. It's dynamic, and it's simple to use, and it always brings results!
15 years after first meeting and interacting with Phyllis and "the work", Sai Baba told me to move to California to work with Mrs. Krystal. My wife didn't want to leave London. So, I moved there and bought a house near to Mrs. Krystal. I thought I was going to help her with her books. I had no idea that soon it was going to become the most fantastic adventure of my life. As it seems so unreal and impossible, I must ask you to sit back and think of what I am about to tell you as a fairytale, because if you have not experienced these things, they are impossible to contemplate as real.
Then the very first night of the next amazing ten years. The first night I walked to Mrs. Kristal's house a few doors away, we went into her work room and sat opposite one another. She would hold the gem stone, given to me by Sai Baba to wear on my person, and we immediately went into some sort of trance-state together. I can only describe it as if we left our bodies and were in a subtle body form..... Sai Baba arrived and told us that
we were going to do special work for Him that would last many years, and we were to record this work as well. This jewel that He made for me was something that He asked me to carry with me, and then when we worked, Mrs. Krystal was to hold it. It seemed to amplify some inexplicable spiritual power that would allow us to project ourselves into various dimensions, time and space always under Sai Baba's direct instructions.. It's a dynamic, unexplainable Sai creation. These objects He gives appear as jewelry, but they are not jewelry, they are energetics.
I thought it would be appropriate if I showed you a couple of objects he has given me tonight that have never been publicly seen. This gemstone was originally given to me in a private interview with Sai Baba in his Ashram in Puttaparthi in the presence of several witnesses including Mrs. Krystal. This is when He announced that I was to move from England to California and would be working with Mrs. Krystal. As He offered the stone, He referred to it in Sanskrit, of which I had no understanding. It, as you can see, is quite large. It was clear, luminous and white. He called it a diamond and announced that it represented the Atma or Spiritual Soul.
Mrs. Krystal worked together with it, and another object He gave to us for some years, which I will try to describe to you all shortly. After about seven years, once again in his Ashram interview room, He asked for it back, and I moaned inside, "Oh no! Please don't take it back." He put it in his tiny hand and slowly showed it to the 6 or 7 people that were present. Then holding it between us, he closed his hand around it, and when he opened his hand again, it had changed into an equally large brilliant red spectacular gemstone he called a ruby, which all present later claimed was emanating red rays of light.
Now, He knows that my weakness is glamour. Anything that's glamorous, I'm ready to jump in a second. Then He said, "Tigrett what color do you want?" He started throwing this glamorous stone up in the air and as he caught it effortlessly he said, "What color do you want? Do you want white? Do you want blue? Do you want green?" Then, knowingly, He smiled and looked at me in the eye and said, "Red." He knew my weakness and knew I wanted the luminous Sai Red Ruby.
What color do you want Tigrett"......That's the only time I think I have said the right thing in response to him....... I murmured, "You know what's best for me, Swami." He said, pretending to look surprised, "Very
good, Tigrett!' He again closed his hand around the red gem, palms up. When He opened his hand it had been transformed into this purple, equal- in-size gemstone. He said, "This stone represents the perfect balance between heart and mind, male and female, yin and yang."
He then later brought something into my possession which Mrs. Krystal and I were told to place between us during each session, which is a Crystal Skull. I don't know whether you have heard about the ancient legends of these famous Crystal Skulls. There were supposedly 13 skulls that were placed by priests in various temples and religious sacred places in ancient civilizations around the globe. There is one supposedly at the Giza Plateau in the pinnacle of the Kyops Pyramid; One in the sacred temple at Macchu Picchu and 11 other scared places. Three have actually been found: one in the Toltec pyramid in Central America; that's now in the Trukadero in Paris; there is also another one in the British Museum of Mankind, and there's a third that has been found and is in the private hands of the family of the archeologist who found it.
They are basically, as are all crystals, computers. Just as today's computers operate on miniature silicone crystals. Crystals can receive, store and transmit information. Within this object, given by the Master, and used as He willed, is recorded thousands of hours of sessions, including hundreds of discourses by the Master, and endless multi-dimensional journeys into past, present, and future realities.
Thus followed years of communion with the Divine and the darkest of beings in other planes, ; the honor of constant help to others, here and in the afterlife in distress, and, as this fairytale adventure must tell, of the revelation of the workings of the Omniscient Super-Consciousness. Mrs. Krystal and I experienced these unbelievable journeys under the guidance of the Master over 10 years. All was recorded in the Crystal Skull and, as requested by the Master, on audio format. At the end of these sessions we were brought back slowly to the now. All of the sessions over the 10 years were erased 100% from the conscious mind of Mrs. Krystal. She remembers absolutely nothing. 5% of these sessions I retained I assume as a reference; all else was erased from the conscious mind.
None of the recordings have ever, under Sai Baba's instruction, have been heard by Mrs. Krystal or myself. Sai Baba, when the work came to a conclusion some 10 years later, asked that the recordings and Crystal Skull
be returned to Puttaparthi where they are stored, at His request in safety deposit boxes. He told us in many interviews that they would be released as a Chapter in the "New Age Bible," and fortunately for Mrs. Krystal and I, after our passing from this life.
I don't know whether you know what Akashic Records are, but there is a River of All Truth, the Divine River, that runs through another nearby dimension. When those few from times beginning, become Realized Beings ,(merge with their true personality), they are actually able to access this library of all that has occurred on all dimensions from the past, present and even the future., as Swami does. Sai Baba has an expansive view of reality because of His access to these timeless records of all knowledge, which is totally different from ours. If you can imagine this perspective: The Master sees all your past lives as well as your past karma. He sees your future and future karma, and He also sees your present life's karma, all simultaneously.
When a Realized Being interacts with you, as said, through dreams, physical manifestation or personally, He sees you completely from this time-Omniscient perspective of past, present and future, which guides His interaction with you, for your own best interest.
When He tells you to do something, there may be a disastrous outcome, as has happened to me and many others. Knowing your karma he can accelerate your evolution. This is His gift to you, as Realized Masters, it is their endless love and duty to help all who approach. This phenomenon of timeless interaction can only manifest if asked in faith by the seeker who wishes individual soul evolution. Only a Realized Being can affect this speeding up of your karmic evolution, and that is one of the things that this Master, as all others before Him, is destined to do for all of us who are willingly in His orbit.
So, I feel so blessed to be here this evening at Sai Baba's request to expose you to the possibility of the Omniscient, Formless Reality. I pray that every word spoken here tonight is His.
The first thing He said to Mrs. Krystal and I was, "God created man, and man invented God." Wow! What does that mean? He then showed us that when the seven original Masters at times beginning were shown God in His original, dynamic form of the Super Consciousness, He could not be seen by humans, as it was so far beyond human consciousness, they would be vaporized at the sight of the Omniscient One. They realized that He was
the electron in every atom in the entire universe! In fact, there are even sub- particles of Divine Nature below that atomic existence. The entire universe is the Divine Body. He can visit any part of His Body any time He wishes. The electron alone is His eyes and ears in the Divine Omniscient Continuous View. So, how do you explain this to anybody? It's beyond all comprehension. There's no way you can conceive it.
So, the Masters allowed man to invent gods - things in their own form, things that look like them so they can relate to their higher nature. Every culture has had them. Starting in pre–Neolithic culture as the worship of the sun, moon and stars, Earth's nature spirits.
As cultures evolved, they created gods in a heavenly plane, in their own image. Religions were formed and the first known monolith structures were temples dedicated to the worship of these Supreme Beings. The great cultures throughout time all had religious institutions, all manifested by the Presence of Enlightened Beings, "god kings" for the Egyptians, Moses for the Israelites, Socrates for the Greeks, Mohamed for Islam, Jesus for Christianity, Confucius and Lau Tzu for the Tao, And Avatars and Enlightened Masters in cultures over time immemorial from The Norse Gods, Shinto, African Spirit Cultures, the Isthmus Valley of India, Mayan, Aztecs and Toltec civilizations, Byzantine and Nubian, Native Americans and Druid, and on and on through time and historical cultures of known and unknown peoples.
The world's first known written language, Sanskrit, was our first known text on existence: The Vedas and Upanishads. "God created man, and man invented God." The Vedas proclaimed that we were all made in God's image, the Super Consciousness image of the Spirit, or Light Body.
But our human bodies were nothing more than vessels for the Divine undying, unchangeable energy, or as called in the Vedas, Prana (Divine) energy, which makes up all animate and inanimate things.
"That which has never been born can never die." We are not the mind or the body but eternal undying prana energy. We cannot be harmed. We cannot be soiled. We cannot be destroyed. We are the "forever version" of the Divine Itself, all Divine Beings, and manifestations of the Super Consciousness, created as vessels or as Sai proclaimed "walking temples" of Divine Energy.
"Watch your thoughts!" Imagine all of the love, the mercy, the devotion that has been given to these individual gods since the beginning of time. Amazing power! Every human being, every thought of devotion, every thought of love, every thought of mercy, transforming itself on a nearby dimension. Imagine energy, Divine prana, (Divine Energy) of love and worship to the Gods, coming from your own being. This, as revealed by the Master, actually has created the Gods or "positive archetypes." Man's love and devotion creates the Divine Beings.
So I see God Himself as the energy—the "One"—behind all of these creations, because if you are a Divine Being, your thoughts are Divine energy and made of the Divine which animates you - the prana energy. So you created these Gods, and you continue to animate them. They are real. They are there. They are there to serve you. They are there to reflect mercy, kindness, love and devotion. They are there to bring you up to a higher place where you should mindfully seek every waking moment for life's only gift worthy of possession: PEACE OF MIND
God created man. Man invented God. It sounds complex. It is as simple as grass growing. So, imagine all of this worship, all of this love, all of this mercy, all of these positive aspects of human nature, collecting on one plane. We are creating these Divine archetypes, continuously feeding and creating the Divine at all times. The temple next door, the beautiful temple tonight that is having a Buddhist ceremony, the church on the other side, you are all creating yourselves constantly, but these creatures exist. These Divine Beings exist. They are waiting to serve your higher nature.
Through the Grace of Sai Baba he exposed Mrs. Krystal and I to their realm. He would take us regularly to what we call "The Amphitheatre," which is this dynamic round theatre in the "Blue Place."
That is the only way I can describe it. And we see all the Divine Beings - all of them. Some I don't even know. Ninety percent of them are, some of them will be 12 feet tall, all in these bejeweled gowns and head-dresses with totems. Some of them will be these little guys in a wispy cloth, but all divine beings are there from every culture since the beginning of time.
Baba will call one of them down. They all have distinctive powers. They are all unique. We have worked with the Christ, with Krishna the Norse god Thor, Ganesh,....and so many more. It all sounds beyond comprehension, but it is true. They are there and they are real. They are
there to serve and help you. They are your best friends. They are made of Divine Energy, your very own, because you, my friends, are all the formless. You are each and every one....a Divine Being.
Sai Baba starts every single discourse by saying, "Embodiments of Love." You are Divine Beings. Unfortunately, the human condition seems to be caught up in the five senses that overpower us into the delusion of "duality," that God is are over there and I am over here. That's not true. It is the overstimulation of the mind-body experience that generates this scene of illusionary "duality" which is how we "fell from the garden," 10's of thousands years ago, only to return after ages to the final return to the "garden", promised in every Holy Text as the "Golden Age". The loss of the "I" and "ME" consciousness, and the return to the collective consciousness of "US" and "WE."
On my first visit to Sai Baba's little interview room, He said, "Where is God?" It was a dynamic moment on the new-found journey of the possibility of an inner path. I said to the Master, "God is in my heart." He said, "No!" Then He asked the next person, "Where is God?" No answer. Then the next person, "Where is God?" Then the next. "Where is God?" Nobody had an answer.
Everybody had seen that I had gotten scolded for not knowing the answer. No one in this small group said a word. He said to me, "It's like a fish swimming through water. There is water above the fish, around the fish, below the fish, and inside the fish. You are fish swimming through God. He is above you, around you, below you, and inside of you." I knew suddenly, as a gift from the Master, that he is the very atmosphere between us. He is everything. He is the electron in every atom. He is the amazing amphitheater of these Divine creatures which you have created in your own image to worship and love. It is all a reflection.
It is like worshipping yourself. You should go inside your being given in this short life you are passing through or you will have to come back again to find this simple answer .......again and again until you discover your "true" identity.
Believe if you can, it is not complex. None of this is complex. None of this is mysterious. None of these things are unknown, in another distant place, but right at your fingertips in the inner pathway, waiting for your return. And the most exciting part of all is, GOD is the great beating heart of the universe, AND IT'S ALL LOVE;...... not the human, grasping,
desperate, contracting love, but this Divine Ever-Expanding and Expanding, Unequivocal, Unlimited, Non-judgmental, ; the real and only Divine, forever version, "True Love" available to ,"Those Who Knock'.
Now let us consider all the negative human thoughts since the beginning of time: Lust, Anger, Hatred, Violence, Greed, and Envy.
Envy is the worst seed of all the human thought forms, as envy leads to jealousy, jealousy to anger, and anger to hatred!! (Which can lead to violence). All these negative human emotions are creating negative electrical energy which transforms into negative demonic thought forms and thus negative beings or archetypes on a nearby dimension, just as the positive human emotions create Divine positive beings (the God Spirits) or archetypes on a nearby dimension. So as there are the positive, manmade thought forms, so are there negative ones.
One of the things Swami has done with Mrs. Krystal and I is to take us to where not only the Divine Ones are, but also a nearby dimension where the negative thought forms are. Watch your thoughts!
This is no joke. How do they operate? Very simply they are identically stimulated to positive or negative human emotional patterns. When you get into the sense of envy or hatred or greed, it is like a tuning fork: it vibrates these negative electrical waves through the unseen veil that protects and separates us dimensionally, directly to the negative thought form of a negative archetypal being. They are made of human energy so they feed on human energy. A filament, like a minute invisible tentacle, comes through the veil following the negative energy and attaches itself to the human source and begins to feed, keeping you in that state of hatred, geed, lust, anger etc. Because it is made of human energy, it feeds on human energy, keeping you in this negative state for as long as it can. The same for all the positive human emotions: Love, Mercy, and Compassion, Forgiveness and Devotion and prayers to the Gods or positive archetypes bring them to you.
They also answer the energetic call from the human heart and connect through the veil to help console and guide. This, as we created them with our powerful positive thoughts, it is also their food and source of strength.
God's primary directive is mankind's free will. The Divine cannot and will not interfere with man's free will to greater good or evil. This is why the Masters have always said, "Take one step towards me, and I will
take a hundred towards you. Cry one tear for my help and I will cry a hundred for you." In other words, either polarity, both positive or negative, good or evil, cannot approach unless you call them. The forces of good and evil are gathering now as the Master has told us on many dimensions, for the great battle between good and evil that will usher in the supposed new "Golden Age."
Mrs. Krystal and I, with the Master's protection (impossible otherwise), with our hands in His and under His divine direction, have been clearing some of the negativity on these various dimensions. He has told us that, as these dimensions and these forces are symbiotic, it would be useless to clean one without the others, as all would fall back into the same, inescapable patterns. We asked Him, "Why do you have us doing this work? Why don't you clear these demonic forces?" His firm unforgettable answer," Human beings created these things and only human beings can destroy them!!"
The Master said to me one day, "Tigrett, you are my bait for evil. I am going to use you to stir up envy and jealousy among those that come near." I said, "Swami, I'll do whatever you want, as long as you protect me." He is a Zen Master. How is he going to change you unless he brings out of you, for you to face, that which must be changed! Puttaparthi is a Laundromat! He says, "Bring me your fear, anger, lust and hatred, and put it here at my feet." How else can he guide you to positive evolution, then expose to you your innermost feelings and capabilities? This is the work, the duty, the boon of the Master, only to those who knock!
I am sure there are others doing this same work that Mrs. Krystal and I have been exposed to during this critical time. When asked he told us, "It doesn't require many."
But take heed of this warning: those that dabble in petty magic, I don't care how great a shaman master you have been, or think you are or can be, you'll never do this work; you'll never get through safely or survive without the Divine Being there to help you and protect you and lead you through it. And also, you'll never do it by yourself alone, as it takes the perfect balance of two, chosen by the Master. This he revealed to us when we began this work.
Swami told Mrs. Krystal and me, "I am putting you two together so that you can watch and balance each other at all times. Both of you have
been singularly powerful in different ways in the past. But you both began to think this power was yours to use at will and forgot the Source. You began to use it for what 'you' thought was right. You were not evil, but your actions disturbed the karmic nature of things and harmed many souls. I have brought you back now to work together for the opportunity to right those wrongs and serve those that you harmed. This is your chance."
So please, for the sake of all that exists in all forms, in all places seen and unseen, "Watch your thoughts." So very, very important is this powerful Divine Truth that the Master wants you to be carefully aware. He is using me as a vehicle, Mrs. Krystal and his work. He's allowing me to speak about His work tonight because He wants you to know about the formless. Sai Baba is not going to be here to hold you in His hands physically much longer. What are you going to do? Who are you going to worship? What are you going to feel? Do you need Him? Do you need this form? Do the Christians need a walking Jesus? Do the Buddhists need a walking Buddha? They are having a big turnout tonight at the Christian Church next door to praise the teachings of a Master whose form passed to the formless 2007 years ago. Yet, His Truth and powerful light beams on a billion of his devotees in the world this very day. If they call to Him, He will come. When Sathya Sai Baba moves into his true formless nature, he will be more accessible than ever....forever. Sai baba never how can he where.
You happen to be very blessed to be near when one of these Masters is walking the planet. It is fantastic! It is amazing! It is phenomenal! It is also like grass growing: it is no big deal. Everything is Divinity; every single thing: the atmosphere that is between you and me, yourself, every brick in this place. It is hard to conceive of this immense, amazing, Power of Divinity, but it exists, and you are part of it. Here you have the good fortune to know Sai Baba.
They say the sight of the Avatar, the touch of the Avatar, and the voice or hearing of the Avatar is the sweetest of the sweetest. And it is so. We are blessed for whatever reason to be in His vibrational orbit.
I used to call myself God's late night representative, and I was. It's, you know, it's wild out there. And dear Sai Baba wants beacons of light in this sea of darkness, and that's what you are for Him. It doesn't take many
to change the world. All this negativity that's happening is going to continue. And it's going to get worse and worse for a short period of time. All the negative energy must be squeezed out of this soon dying age. It must not drift into the purity of the coming "age of enlightenment". This extraordinary coming age, only decades away as Sai Baba has proclaimed, "New civilization coming in 27 years".
This return to the garden from which we fell, will lead us all to look introspectively at our true immortal nature. ; And we will know where the gold and jewels reside and that the only meaningful valuable path is the Inward Path. The consciousness of "I" and "ME' will fall away and usher in the collective consciousness of the "WE" and "US" to rule over this return to the ultimate reality.
The first enlightened incarnation, Shirdi Sai, represents the Shiva or Mind energy; the second, Sai Baba, represents the mind and heart combination; and the third, Prema Sai, the heart energy; the energy of the Christ ; Love and Brotherly Love.
No one talks about what is going to happen at the end of the Kali Yuga. What's going to happen? These Masters have come through the ages just to vibrate in this dimension when the paths of righteousness need them. Not to start religions or cultures; this is man's doing.
And no, I do not believe in the new Golden Age at hand that everyone on the planet will suddenly believe in the Sai Incarnations as the only descended Masters or Gods on Earth. In the "Golden Age," man will simply know there is a God, and He is the Universal Indweller of each of us. In fact, we will realize that our bodies are simple conveyances for the Divine, that we, as the Master has said many times, are "walking temples" and the One and only God is in all things , animate and inanimate. Especially you - His greatest creation! You are so lucky to be here now. This is the time to be incarnated into. This is where the action is! One person can do so much! One person - One! It's like a candle going into a dark room - the entire room becomes illuminated. That's your job. You must become beacons of light in this sea of darkness. That's your job. That's what you are here for. This is your chance. "What can I do for you Lord?"
It doesn't take many; a handful can create the Divine positive balance between the destined battles that are going on between good and evil now, at this ordained time. Your job is to vibrate positive energy, not to be
human beings fighting fearfully, uselessly in the transitory outward world. All the gold, jewels, power and sensory perceptions in this illusionary world are transient. They only create an insatiable appetite, which lies at the root of all that is evil, and separates us from peace, our divine brothers and sisters and the resting place of all the riches of eternity, which lay only on the journey of the Inward Path.
These power disputes in religious organizations, even such as this one, must end at this important time of confluence of the ages.
I come from, which is a long line of Southern Baptist ministers and missionaries. I grew up in the Church, and there is nothing as destructive as internal egocentric fighting or some power play within the interpretation of Church laws and by laws! It happens, it seems, to plague every religious organization. There is a great deal of difference between religion and spirituality. Religion operates at its worst, smothered my politics, just a corporation that doesn't pay taxes. Spirituality is our own personal journey, all to the same destination. A religious organizations only task is to foster this sacred journey for each. Sai Baba has given you these organizations. You have to take care of them. The way to take care of them is by taking care of one another, and creating love within that organization. Otherwise why should it exist?
God has created polarities for our understanding and free will to teach and guide us along an evolutionary path. He created everything, right? So He created through us and for us, both good and evil. How would you recognize good unless there was evil? Would you recognize evil unless there existed good? There is a plurality in what we consciously call "Existence." It is not intellectual, like "this is good, and that is bad." Everything in the end is for the sake of goodness. Everything is perfect. "God is in his heaven. All is right with the world." The great 19th century spiritual poet Wordsworth said that. It is true. The world is perfect just the way it is. As ordained and written since its creation on its journey, and all things, from Atma to Atma. You have the free will in this life to evaluate or devaluate. Which will it be?
You should all leave this place tonight, go home and write your obituaries. What have you contributed in this short time on earth? Statistically, in a crowd of this size, 4 of you will die in the next 6 months, 10 will contract cancer or heart disease in the next year, 3 will be murdered
within a decade, 12 will be arrested or accused of a capital crime, mostly for stealing from your company, family or friends, and all of your bodies will die.
So what are you going to do to serve your communities, your families and friends, and serve others and especially serve as examples of right action, right thinking, and loving humans to guide the young ones? Go write it down, as a guideline, while you still have a chance to contribute.
"Love All - Serve All," His greatest message, I stole out of the South Indian canteen (written on the wall) in 1974, and emblazoned it in each Hard Rock Café all over the world. More importantly, I ran these businesses not only on this message of Love but entirely on His teachings of the five Human Values: Peace. Love, Truth, Righteousness & Non– Violence. I was, without a doubt, God's late night representative, and believe me He needs more helpers at midnight than at noontime.
This was my job and my Grace from my Master. And after twenty years, working eighteen hours a day from the age of 22, three Public Offerings and seeing more dawns than I have had hot dinners, my penance was completed at the now, (through his Grace alone) , world famous Hard Rock Café, and it was sold. Those winnings are how the Sri Sathya Sai Super Specialty Hospital; or as I like to proudly say, The Sathya Sai Super Specialty Hospital was built on Beer, Burgers and Broken Glass. Swami once told me, "It makes no difference what you do. You can be a butcher or a hangman, as long as you rule your life on the five Vedic Human Values."
It was obviously a great karmic honor for him to allow me, of all people, to be the one to give the funds to build the Hospital. This was not an easy gift to give. I was in my room when trying to go over to see Him and give the check, but I couldn't go over. Something stopped me over and over again. I went halfway there. I started to sweat. I couldn't move. I didn't know what was going on. It was as if I was being physically manipulated.
I have learned now, being so hard headed and so blindly determined, that he has to physically manipulate me from time to time to get the message.
So I couldn't go in. I couldn't give it to him and I went back to my room. And I thought: Why? Why? What's wrong? What am I doing wrong?
Is this giving me some sort of an ego trip? Is this like "I" am doing a good thing? A generous guy? Or I'm just being nice? But I'm helping other people! I am doing my civic duty as I have been taught. Or, this is all wrong. Then it finally came. I realized, "Don't do it for you. There is no you. Only us." And I realized what I wanted to say, believe, and how and why, I had to offer this gift of service.
As soon as I got the message straight, Sydney Krystal, Head of the Sai Society of America, (Phyllis's husband along with Phyllis) led me right into Sai Baba's interview room. I said to him, "Swami, this is a gift for you to do whatever you wish with. And it is from all of us. It is especially from all the ones who would like to give this, but do not have it to give. We love you. We adore you. We want to help you. This is from all of us." (I am forever grateful to Sydney Krystal for arranging this extraordinary moment in my life)
Later I asked, "Swami, I want you to please, please, don't let anyone know that I've done this. I want to do it anonymously. It has been my fate to be well known publically, marked by my success, and thus forever personally unknown". I said, "I have a little daughter. You've known her since she was born, Augusta. She is a great devotee. And I don't want her to be a marked by public circumstances as I have been.. I don't want her to come here and been only acknowledged as, 'Oh, that is the rich guy's daughter that built the Hospital or she is I heard, blah, blah. So please, Swami, let me give this anonymously." Smiling he went out on his veranda and told everyone.
So we built the Hospital. It was an extraordinary experience. He told me, "Tigrett, you are not just going to give the cash, you are going to be in charge of building the Hospital, and in charge of getting all the medical planning done, doing the architecture. You are going to be in charge of the whole thing!" I had been given the tools and come from a family of builders; that was what the Hard Rock Café was for, to teach me how to get things done, to get people organized; to lead. That was just a prerequisite to building the Hospital.
I said, "Swami, what about all these gentleman that you have got around you? Sitting outside your door. All these chaps who are the heads of your Organization." It was like a medieval King and his court.
"They will do anything to get next to you. Anything!" They will be furious if you put me in charge. They will try and discredit me at the expense of your work" He said, "I will protect you.....Tigrett you run them over. You are my Tiger. You run them over." (Laughs). "Okay, if you'll protect me, I'll run them over." And I did.
The medical planning was done by the prestigious, Hospital Corporation of America, the building work by India's Larson and Toubro, and the architecture by The World Famous Sacred geometrist Dr. Keith Kritchlow of The Royal College of London and The Prince of Wales School of Architecture. Thirty London architects worked 24/7 on this design build project as we couriered the next day's building plans each night from London to Puttaparthy. I flew weekly between London and India, pushing and pushing everyone to the max. Swami asked that I give his "gang"in Puttaparthy little jobs to keep them involved as part of it all; watch them like a hawk; meet with them regularly and "run them over" if they didn't follow through on given tasks.
I've never been so shaken as in an interview I had with Sai Baba during that period of time. There is a lot of political nonsense going on all around Sai Baba. A lot of posturing and discrediting. As I said, like a medieval King in his court, with those who will do anything to get next to Him at anyone's expense. He knew this and protected me. I'll never forget going into that private interview with Him.
I was contacted in London that the project suddenly had disastrous problems. My staff their called and told me the "gang', had reported in my absence problems had suddenly, and suspiciously in concert, that would halt the project had occurred. All the steel we had ordered from Delhi was half-way down to Puttaparthi when the 20 truckloads disappeared. Where did they go? It is Tigrett's fault, isn't it? He's not doing his job right. We had all the major medical equipment, tons of it, stuck in Customs in Mumbai, and were told it couldn't get it out for months. We needed it the next day. A million feet of wire and medical tubing had disappeared from a warehouse in Chennai apparently shipped by accident to Singapore. I knew these cats had been playing me since I left for London the week before. I rushed back to India.
Swami called me in that morning on arrival and said, "Tigrett, did you tell Colonel So-and-so...." blah blah blah blah, (something really
horrible and malicious). "No, Swami. I would never say anything or do anything like that!" "Or how about Minister so and so? He said you told him, 'Da da da and da.'" I said, "No, Swami! I never even met the man! I don't even know him!" He said, "What about General so-and-so? He told me you said, "Blah blah blah.'" And I said, "Swami, these are all lies!" He raised his hands and said, "I know. What can I do? What can I do?"
As I left him I actually started crying because it was so sad, that here was this Great Master; and no one really understood who He was or the powers of Omniscience he possesses, and that they would threaten his extraordinary gift just to discredit me. My claws were out for blood when I entered the Weekly Meeting with "the gang", in the beautiful conference room Swami had provided in the Poona Chandra hall.
I entered the conference room where 20 men sat. I was more than ready to not just maul them but to vaporize them for their destructive political games that were threatening to halt the project. With my pro crew standing behind me I rose to call the meeting to order when Sai Baba suddenly appeared in the room. He walk quickly toward me with a powerful look of Shiva on his face. Standing a foot away he screamed at me at the top of his lungs,
"You are destroying this project!!...You are wasting time!! You are wasting money!!! You are misusing my name!!! He then, with all his force, threw his handkerchief in my face and quickly exited the room.
The energy that came from him was like lightning and thunder. I reeled back from its force and nearly lost consciousness. I rushed from the room disorientated and devastated physically and mentally. I stumbled back to my ashram quarters. Rivers of tears flowed all that evening as I struggled to find answers to his angry accusations of failure, which eluded me through the worst night of my life. I had never worked so hard but it had obviously not been enough. I could not fathom what he meant by wasting time, money and especially misusing his name in some way. My only recourse was to resign from the leadership of the project the following morning at his darshan. He appeared from his room, and beckoned me in. With great sadness I followed him as he asked that a chair for me be placed in his room next to his.
As I sat, so very close, he leaned toward me with a big smile and said "Tigrett, Swami is never angry; Swami was only acting. Swami's vibration
is always the same. He raised his hand in a mudra, (thumb to fore finger), and moved it horizontally between us; I could see what seemed to be a golden thread of energy following his hand as he tilted his head back and proclaim sweetly,
"Swami's energy always totally peaceful. You were the only one in the room strong enough to take Swami's energy yesterday....It was a message for them. You will have no more trouble from now."
That afternoon we convened the meeting again in the Poona Chandra Hall. "Great news Tigrett" the leader of the pack proclaimed. "It's amazing through Swami's Grace the trucks of steel were found last night; they had navigation problems, but will be here today. Another rose and said, "I have talked to the head of Mumbai customs and they plan on releasing all the medical equipment immediately." ...and yet another followed saying, "The wire and tubing was not shipped out of Chennai but was found in the warehouse!" The project suffered no more political plots again. This was one of many extraordinary events during the conception and construction of the Hospital.
Professor Kritchlow, chosen by Sai Baba as the architect, had change the world of geometry. He had found the key to the lock of the long lost science of Sacred Geometry. He was given a unique position at the Royal College Of London. He also headed at his royal friend's request the Prince Of Wales School of Architecture in Regents Park. He had really found all of the keys to this great lost science. Swami told me his third eye was flickering open. It was an amazing honor to work with this brilliant, kind, loving man, now a great friend.
One of the things we had to do was to create a mandala over the land. It is a drawing. They are ancient Tibetan geometric power laden symbols. You may have seen some of the Tibetan thangkas', (pictures on cloth) that have various mandalas.. They can represent an actual vortex to another dimension. We had to draw one of these on the land around the whole property where the hospital was going to be, decide to create what it is: a vortex, a power vortex. Swami was consulted and told us when we should proceed on the then barren land, and approved the mandala.
Kritchlow and I, just the two of us, went to draw this mandala, at the given appropriate day and time, over a half acre in the center point out on
the land which the Hospital was to be built.. He said to me, "Isaac, you know, I've done these things for the Tibetans. The key thing about these mandalas is if you can't draw, it means nothing, the act itself purifies and sanctifies. They Tibetans believe that an eagle must be on or flying over the land at the time of drawing it.
We got out there and were astonished to see that there were four eagles in the four corners of where the mandala was to be scratched by Kritchlow in the earth with a stick. They just stood there while we drew the mandala out. The plan was sanctified. They took flight when we finished.
The Hospital is a dream come true. There is a lot going on there. There is a metaphysical duplicate above it. I'll try to explain it as best as I can. If you can imagine an hour-glass. The dome is the bottom half of the hour- glass. There is an unseen opposite on the top that opens up to the cosmos, and energy is drawn from the cosmos into the hospital through this device. It is a metaphysical device. That's why there is so much healing going on there. That's why these doctors have this endless amount of energy. Anyone who works there, is visiting or being treated or even walking by is subtly being affected by this sublime energy.
Is this Ok? How am I doing so far? I hope it is okay. Anyway I'll never forget Sai Baba taking me out to the Hospital. It had been open for about a week, and He said, "Let's go for a ride." We hopped in the car and drove out to the Hospital. We went inside the beautiful dome, the incredible, metaphysical machine, and there are eight sides II believe they span up 60 feet. It had just been built so it was pretty bare. Swami said, "Tigrett, I've decided to draw a picture, a forty-five foot drawing of Krishna, and I am going to put it right here on this side of the dome. I thought I'd put Jesus Christ on this panel; I want to put Rama here, and I thought I'd paint your picture right up here." I gasped in horror "Swami, please no. These are all Gods." He said, "So are you. So are you." We got back in his car to return to the ashram. He never painted anything in that dome. It was a teaching message. That is His message to all of you as well.
You exist, as Swami says, for only two reasons. The first is, to be happy. To be happy. Keep it light. Be happy. Then if you are happy, you can do your other chore, which is to serve other people. There is nothing else to do. There is only being happy and serving other people. There is
nothing else." That's why there is birth and rebirth, if you don't understand this simple divine formula. That's why you have free will, which is the dynamics during you short visit here
So, I thought I would talk about one little journey of my own. This was after the Hospital and many of the great things I was lucky to do. Swami told me to do the 'House of Blues.' He gave me the logo. He gave me the name, and instructed me to come and be with Him continuously, and to bring photographs of everyone I was going to hire. I had to get permission to do every single aspect of the business including his blessing for the exact location He was involved in everything. He came up with every decision.
Four years later, this company, this entertainment company that I worked so hard on under his instruction and insistence, became valued at a billion dollars. A billion dollars! Four years from nothing. All was based on his teachings of the 5 Values as the Hard Rock Café had been, which is still a "brand" meteor; still expanding dramatically. We were about to go public, and from my share of the business, I would get $350 million which I was going to give to Swami for his continuing mission. But more so, all the people who had worked for me, through stock options I had given them, would all become millionaires at the time of the public offering. Dozens of young people, hard-working, wonderful sweet people, whom Swami had chosen to be there. He had approved of every step of the way. He said, "This, you do. That, you don't do."
Literally three weeks before the company was going Public on the New York Stock Exchange, Swami told me a particular gentleman on my board of directors and others were plotting against me. I could not fathom it could be true and I didn't believe it. Can you imagine that he said, "There are people plotting against you, Tigrett." And I thought, what the hell. What can they do? We are going Public in days. All investors are going to make a fortune including them.
At our final Board meeting, just before the public offering, this gentleman raised his hand and said, "I'm taking over this business with the other directors. We are not going public. You are out. (This gentleman controlled an 8 billion dollar fund for Chase Bank Venture Partners, which I found out later he had financed huge deals with all the other directors in exchange for their vote to replace me with him. They threw me out of the
House of Blues. The banker from Chase took my job and my business. He later lost $300 million in bad judgments and horrific management style forsaking the 5 Vedic values and was fired from Chase. The damaged dying company was later sold to the entertainment giant, Clear Channel. Years later Swami revealed to me that he had given me two extraordinary life lessons.
The first was the continuing success of the The Hard Rock which was built and still running on the 5 Vedic Principles. Love , Truth, Right Action , Peace , and Non-violence. The second was the experience of The House of Blues. Its, meteoric rise was due to Swami's constant attention to the implementation of the 5 Values in every step of its creation. Then he removed me from the scene and with this the 5 values were lost. Without those powerful 5 energetics in place...The House of Blues had destined to fail. This lesson he brings to you tonight.
I once again fell into a deep depression as I had during the Hospital. I had failed him. My dream of helping him with cash, such silly notion now, had been obliterated. After months of confusion and self-doubt I knew I had to return to the Ashram and report my failure to Sai Baba.
Sai Baba saw me sneaking up on the verandah. "Tigrett, come in here right now!" I went into the interview room. He said, "I sent those men. They are your teachers! Now go sit down." The confusion of this lesson escaped me for years.
Things got worse. My mother got ill and I was told she was dying at any moment. Under Swami's watchful eye, I moved back to Tennessee to look after her as I had been taught to. I thought she was going to die soon. She didn't die for six long years. It was really difficult those many years isolated in a cabin in the woods in a small southern farming town. The price was dear. I forgot who I was. I forgot everything. I forgot all the work with Phyllis Krystal. I forgot Sai Baba. I became so self-involved in all the negative things that were happening to me there. Everything I touched was turning to dust. Finally there was nothing left of me. I was gone. There was nothing but a little pile of ash. A little, tiny lost pile of ash. Nothing left I thought, except death.
I was living alone for six years. I went to town occasionally. Checking on my mother daily was my only reason to live. She had dementia and didn't even know who I was most of the time; Nor did I. I never talked to anybody. I couldn't even talk. I'd forgotten how to talk. A dear friend I had
not seen for years came to see me said, "I don't know you. You seem near death. You should go see your guru." Shortly afterwards my mother passed away. I got on a plane and I went to Puttaparthi. I arrived there on a Friday. I went into my little room and lay down. I had decided death was near. It was that afternoon I lost consciousness... And seemed to die. I thought I was dead. It was over. There were nothing. I was gone. I was finished. The next day I felt I was in an in-between world of some sort. And then on the third day I was conscious but could not move or even open my eyes. I could hear the blackbirds nesting in the tree outside my window.
I heard a tapping sound in the distance and became more conscious with each tap as it got louder...I awoke. I jumped up to my amazement now standing on my bed as a new energy coursed through my body. It was as if I had hit by lightning. I realized the tapping sound was someone knocking on my door. The new me literally leapt from the bed and rushed to open the door. There was beautiful young girl standing with a bouquet of flowers who said, "Happy Easter." It was Easter morning. I'd risen from death. I died on Friday. I was in an in-between world on Saturday, and rose from death that Sunday morning a totally new being. It was the Phoenix raising from the ashes. Then in my head I heard Baba say "I've got to break you to remake you." Later that week Swami told me, "Tigrett now you are to remain here with me for the rest of your life." This was 4 months ago, so I could be here and talk to all of you tonight, as he asked me to do.
I'd like to take you through a little meditation. Mrs. Krystal was asked to speak at Sai's wonderful Youth Conference. She's 93. She is miraculous. All of you should go out and get her book. No one really has an idea how much they can help you. It's for you. It's Swami's work.
Mrs. Krystal put this entire group through this meditation. Meditation can be a very simple thing. Visualization techniques are very, very simple things to do. So, let's take one of the most powerful. I suggest that you do this every day.
Just visualize that in your heart chakra there is a flower. You can choose any flower you adore and love. I always choose a rose as I think of Sai Baba. Imagine Sai Baba being there, slightly above you, where He is right now, amongst this whole group. And ask Him to send His Love, His Divine, and amazing Love to you.
See the Love coming from Him. It is always radiating - goes directly into the heart chakra through that rose. For those of you who have closed hearts, just visualize that Love coming into your heart chakra, into that flower. The flower, if closed, will open. So let's sit here for a moment and receive this Divine Love from Sathya Sai Baba. And breathe it in, and as you breathe it in you will feel the power going through your chest, through this flower, into your heart chakra, and into your body - cleansing, healing, Divine Love. So enriching! This Love is available to you anytime. All you have to do is ask for it. Close your eyes.
Visualize Swami sending this Love to you through your heart chakra, through this flower which opens with His Love. This Love is given to pass on. So, after you've received and filled yourself up with it, put your hands together either physically, or in your mind, in the Namaste position. Breathe in the Love, and as you exhale, use your hands to send this Love to anyone and anything; it can be your relative, your husband, your children, your community, your country - anything. But this Love is meant to be received and is meant to be passed on. This is essential when dealing with difficult people that you absolutely have no love for. Swami does however in abundance...and you can use this method to send them powerful divine energy from Sai Baba.
You could use your Divinity, your Divine Power, your electrical prana energy, by calling on the guru within. So, let's breathe it in, into your heart chakra; The flower. As you exhale, let's use our hands to send it to someone or to something else. This Love is cyclical, so the third aspect, what you need to practice and visualize, is that for whatever, whomever you have sent this Love to, It will go through you to them and return to Sai Baba or whatever name you give to the inner guru. It is so healing, so dynamic. Whenever you feel intense anger, frustration, fear, simply do this exercise. This is real. This energy is real, coming from Him. It is as real as you send it to someone else. And it is real going back to him, to the Source. It is a matter of service to yourself as well as others to do this as often as you can.
There is another meditation. Someone asked me what surrender is. I thought I knew what it was. I went back to Puttaparthi. He reanimated me on the third day to a level I've never experienced before. I immediately thanked Him, prayed and thanked Him for the horrors I've been through for the 9 previous years, because He had allowed me those teaching years as a boon. Turning into ash allowed me to regenerate. This is the Shiva
Energy. This is what Shiva is all about. Shiva is not just the Destroyer. He puts you in a position to Regenerate. He allows the wheel to turn and the Phoenix to rise from the ashes.
Sai Baba had such a homecoming for my rebirth. I mean, it was part of this process, going to ashes and being regenerated, and was now suddenly popular again , which meant nothing before to me, and now all these people came up to me to talk or giving me these gifts. It was a hell of a re-birth-day party: but as always through his grace, lessons were still coming. (And I pray they do until my last Breath).
I am very talented in some ways. I have talents that I've learned through the many things that Swami has put me through in this life, just like you all have your talents too. In this new life in my now permanent Indian home all these gentlemen insisted, "We want you design our hotel, and a mall and a 'brand'. You are a creative genius, Isaac." And I said "Great, fantastic." I can do work for Swami. This will be great living here, and I've done all this before so successfully. And Bharat is great; great people and great booming times, and I can do so much. I can do anything here, and I can follow my spiritual path with the Master. I can easily build an entertainment 'brand, hotels, restaurants' - all this I know how to do so well. I'll do all these things for Swami. And this one fellow said, "Hey, let's set up some meetings for you. I know the richest developers in India. We will have meetings in Bombay. We'll have meetings in Delhi. We'll have meetings in Chennai, Jaipur and Bangalore. We'll meet financial people. We'll meet people with property developments all over the country. We have associates building many things. We'll meet with all of them. Everything will be set up." "Sure," I said, "I love it! Swami is giving me work."
So they set up all these meetings, about a dozen or so of them. They were going to take place over a period of two weeks. I was going to travel to all these different places. And just as I was getting ready to go that afternoon, I went up to the Master. I had this little note that said, "Please bless my trip. I'm going to go here, here, here, and here." He looked at this list and he said, "Do "you" want to go there!" And then more sternly, "Do "you" want to go there!" I didn't know what to think.
I went down to this little restaurant and sat there contemplating his words to me. I realized, of course, "I" was doing this. "I" was doing this with "my" mind. "I" was arranging and "I" was doing and it was also something "I" wanted to do. Wait a second! I was dedicated to surrender to Sai Baba. It should be what He wants, not what"I" want. I must use the talents he gave me for something that "He" wants; For "He" is the Master and knows what is best, what is written, and I must surrender to "His" judgment. Let Him use my mind; let Him use my body, use my actions, use my everything that I have for something He wants, as only he knows what is best for my evolution; not for something that I want.
And I suddenly realized what true surrender is. It is waiting and it is begging for Him to use you. Not for you to determine yourself. You must trust and surrender to His judgment. Then there is no reaction to the outcome. It is his business. Nothing to Fear; Nothing to Desire; No Loss, just the journey.
There is a great prayer which Swami taught Mrs. Krystal many years ago. I now do it continuously in His presence. I do it in the Mandir every morning in Puttaparthi, which is my new home. I have been very blessed for years. He has even allowed me to walk with the priests who chant the Vedas at dawn. And of course, I don't know the Vedas. I don't know, but I am changed by their harmonics, and I love it. And I do it religiously at every chance. So, this is the prayer. This is the way to surrender. It's simple. It is just like the meditation that you just had. It is very simple. It's like grass growing. It's a prayer that I've been saying for many years. It's a prayer whose meaning is surrender itself. It's a prayer which I have been sent here to give you.
Lord, please "THINK" through me.
Everything begins with thought. Watch your thoughts. Everything in this reality begins with a thought: thinking. The mind is the male aspect. So Lord, .......please think through me.
Lord please, "FEEL" through me.
Use my female aspect, my heart. Balancing the heart and mind; male and female is essential if you want to channel divinity itself. Total creativity comes from this balance. That's what this represents, a balance between
heart and mind. Yin and yang. Male and female. Everything starts with thought. Lord, think through me. Number 2, Lord, feel through me. Feel through me. Balance that energy of the thought with the correct heart feeling. And what happens next? You verbalize this creation of balance.
Lord please, "SPEAK" through me.
Lord, "think" through me. Lord, "feel" through me. Lord, "speak" through me. It's the natural progression of creation. The thought begins, the combination with the heart balance is essential. And then you verbalize it. What happens next?
Lord, please "ACT" through me.
You Think. You balance with the Heart, you Speak and then you Act; You animate the original thought. Action. You act. Lord, think through me. Lord, feel through me. Lord, speak through me. Lord, act through me. And then the big kicker, because it's what everything is made of - what everything is, and the true source of power.
Lord, "LOVE" through me.
Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. My wife died and I have seen her twice since then. She came running up to me in a meditation, and said, "It's true. It's true. The Lord is the great big beating heart of the universe, and it's all Love. Got to go." Lord, Think through me. Lord, Feel through me. Lord, Speak through me. Lord, Act through me. Lord, Love through me. This He gave Phyllis and one more aspect, which is the pulse of it all.
Lord please, "BREATHE" through me.
Breathe through me. Your very breath is a mantra: So - Hum. It is where the prana energy enters the body. It is the whole thing. Lord, Love through me. Lord, Think through me. Lord, Feel through me. Lord, Speak through me. Lord, Act through me. Lord, Love through me. Lord, Breathe through me. It is not difficult. You've just got to remember to do it. Do it when you are walking down the street. Do it at work; when you wake; when you are about to sleep. Do it when you are with the family. Do it every time you can remember it. Just Do it. It is the key to surrender.
My wife was dying of cancer. She was a great Sai devotee. We had been together for 19 glorious years. She was dying, and we knew it was irreversible. She asked me to go to Sai Baba and ask if he had any
instructions for her final days on this plane. Having been over to the other side a number of times, I knew it was a process. Death is as mysterious and glorious as birth. It is a time mourning and for celebration – death is rebirth. But the process is very painful for everyone that loves you. You all have lost someone.
I went immediately to Puttaparthi and He called me in for an interview with another gentleman. He sat me at the back of the interview room. He made this fellow sit right in front of Him. He spoke only directly to Him. I was just a witness.
He told the gentleman, "Twenty years ago in, Tigrett was drinking one night and taking drugs, and he got very drunk. He got into a sports car. It was a black sports car. It had red interior. The top was brown It had red seat belts. Tigrett started to drive home. He fell asleep. Tigrett crashed through a silver barrier. Sai Baba was there. Tigrett looked to his right. He saw Swami. Swami put his arms around Tigrett. He put a force field around him. The car he was in went over many, many, times and was completely destroyed! Tigrett was unharmed. Not a scratch or a bruise, Tigrett got out of the car. He came to Puttaparthi to see me. I didn't pay any attention to him."
"Some months later, Tigrett broke off with his first girlfriend. He was very sad. He started taking drugs. Tigrett loves drugs. And he was very, very, intoxicated, and I came to Tigrett and I said, 'You are going to die today.' Tigrett panicked and stop taking the drugs. He got on a plane. He went to another town. He had to check into a hotel; it was a round building. He went into his room. It had a red carpet."
These are details I'd forgotten about from 20 years ago. He reminded me of every little detail. Swami continued, "He went into a room. There was an orange bed cover. Tigrett sat on the end of the bed. Tigrett turned on the TV set. Suddenly he couldn't see. He started breathing heavily. He fell on the ground. He couldn't move his arms and legs.
He swallowed his tongue and then he died. His spirit came out of his crown chakra and he entered the light body and was hovering above his dead body. Swami came. Tigrett knew that Swami was going to come. He called My name. Swami picked Tigrett up off the floor and put him on the bed. Swami pushed Tigrett's chest with his hand. Tigrett's spirit went back into his
body. He looked up and the last thing he saw was Sai smiling down at him. Tigrett came to India to thank me. I didn't pay any attention to Tigrett."
I knew, as He was telling me this story to a stranger 20 somewhat years later, that He was giving me a divine message for his dear devotee Maureen.
Everything is fine. I am in control of everything. She is mine. Everything is perfect. I am with her always. God is in his heaven, all is right with this world. She was thrilled hearing the story and she passed her last days talking to me of Him, just as we had done the day we met and fell in love 19 years earlier. I love you Maureen.
Sai Ram. Thanks for having me in Singapore.
Daily Prayer
Lord, please think through me.
Lord, please feel through me.
Lord, please speak through me.
Lord, please act through me.
Lord, please love through me.
Lord, please breathe through me.
