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Enjoy this beautiful video compilation, showing some of the latest new music of J.P. Rama. To watch and listen, click the picture. ![]() -= 11 January 2017 =- ___________________ Annual Sports & Cultural Meet Bhagawan has always emphasized that active sports and upholding of the Indian Culture are essential parts of an Integral System of Education in Human Values. On January 11th every year, The Sri Sathya Sai educational schools and institutions come together for this Annual Sports & Cultural Festival. This sports manifestation of the youth of India is a wonderful example of character building. It is marked by a march past by the students, extraordinary feats of adventure, colourful and artistic group performances by small children and well co-ordinated, rhythmic group drills. The various cultural, sports and games competitions in the campuses culminate in the Valedictory and Prize Distribution Function which coincides with the Makara Sankranthi on January 14. | |||||
![]() | -= Thought for the Day =- _______________________ | ![]() | |||
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![]() | English | ||||
It is clear that originally sports activities have been promoted in the interests of health and strength. People eagerly took part in games for the improvement of their physique and to provide entertainmentto the public. Sports form an integral part of the scheme of studies in all our institutions, along with various academic subjects like Maths, Physics and Chemistry. Not only should there be participation, but there should also be a greater awareness and appreciation of the philosophy and principles governing the sports and games. The aim in sports should not be victory by any means, fair or foul. Whoever may win, others should greet it with fraternal feelings. The rules of the game should be strictly observed. Prizes do not matter. What is important is the sense of self-satisfaction derived from playing the game well. | |||||
![]() | Translated into Dutch by Sama Chintha Group Belgium | ||||
Oorspronkelijk waren sportactiviteiten bedoeld om gezondheid en kracht te bevorderen. Mensen namen gretig deel aan wedstrijden om hun fysiek te verbeteren en het publiek te vermaken. Sport vormt in al onze instellingen een volwaardig onderdeel van ons studieprogramma, samen met verschillende academische vakken zoals wiskunde, natuurkunde en scheikunde. Deelnemen alleen is niet voldoende, men moet ook meer inzicht krijgen en waardering ontwikkelen voor de filosofie en de basisprincipes van sport en spel. Winnen mag niet het doel zijn van sport, of het nu eerlijk of oneerlijk gespeeld wordt. Wie er ook wint, de anderen dienen dit sportief op te nemen. De regels van het spel moeten strikt nageleefd worden. De prijzen doen er niet toe. Je gevoelens van innerlijke tevredenheid als je het spel goed en sportief gespeeld hebt zijn het belangrijkst. | |||||
![]() | Translated into German by Margitta Bonds | ||||
Es ist klar, dass sportliche Aktivitäten ursprünglich im Interesse von Gesundheit und Stärke gefördert wurden. Die Menschen beteiligten sich eifrig an Spielen, um ihren Körper zu stärken und physisch zu verändern und auch, um der Öffentlichkeit eine Unterhaltung zu bieten. Sport formt einen wesentlichen Anteil am Studium. Er ist ein Teil der Studienanforderungen aller Universitäten und Institutionen genauso wie die akademischen Fächer Mathematik, Physik und Chemie. Es sollte nicht nur die Teilnahme, sondern auch ein größeres Bewusstsein und eine gewisse Dankbarkeit für die Philosophie und die Prinzipien, die sportliche Spiele regeln, vorhanden sein. Das Ziel im Sport sollte bei weitem nicht der Sieg, herbeigeführt durch Mittel, fair oder unfair, sein. Wer auch gewinnt, die anderen sollten den Gewinnern den Sieg gönnen, aus einem kameradschaftlichen, brüderlichen Gefühl heraus. Die Regeln des Spiels sollen strikt eingehalten werden und Preise sollten nicht wichtig sein. Was wichtig ist, ist die Selbstzufriedenheit, die gewonnen wird, wenn das Spiel ohne Fouls und gut gespielt wurde. | |||||
![]() | Translated into Spanish by Organización Sri Sathya Sai Baba de Argentina | ||||
It is clear that originally sports activities have been promoted in the interests of health and strength. People eagerly took part in games for the improvement of their physique and to provide entertainment to the public. Sports form an integral part of the scheme of studies in all our institutions, along with various academic subjects like Maths, Physics and Chemistry. Not only should there be participation, but there should also be a greater awareness and appreciation of the philosophy and principles governing the sports and games. The aim in sports should not be victory by any means, fair or foul. Whoever may win, others should greet it with fraternal feelings. The rules of the game should be strictly observed. Prizes do not matter. What is important is the sense of self-satisfaction derived from playing the game well. | |||||
![]() | Translated into Bahasa Indonesian by Nyoman Sumantra | ||||
Sangat jelas sekali bahwa kegiatan olahraga pada awalnya meningkatkan daya tarik dalam kesehatan dan kekuatan. Orang-orang penuh hasrat untuk mengambil bagian dalam olahraga untuk meningkatkan phisik mereka dan memberikan hiburan bagi masyarakat umum. Olahraga merupakan sebuah bagian yang utuh dari rencana pembelajaran di semua institusi kita bersamaan dengan mata pelajaran seperti Matematika, fisika dan kimia. Tidak hanya ikut serta dalam olahraga, namun harus ada kesadaran yang lebih besar dan penghargaan dari filsafat dan prinsip-prinsip yang mengatur olahraga dan permainan. Tujuan dari olahraga seharusnya tidak untuk menang dengan menghalalkan berbagai cara, jujur atau curang. Siapapun yang mungkin menang, yang lainnya seharusnya memberikan selamat dengan perasaan persaudaraan. Aturan dari permainan seharusnya dijalankan dengan tegas. Hadiah bukan hal yang penting. Apa yang penting adalah rasa akan kepuasan diri yang didapat dari bermain permainan dengan baik. | |||||
![]() | Translated into Arabic by Hossam Goussyne | ||||
![]() | Translated into Portuguese by Fernando Noll | ||||
É claro que originalmente atividades esportivas foram promovidas pelos benefícios da saúde e da força. As pessoas ansiosamente tomavam parte em jogos para a melhoria do seu físico e para proporcionar entretenimento ao público. Esportes fazem parte integrante do esquema de estudos em todas as nossas instituições, juntamente com vários temas acadêmicos como Matemática, Física e Química. Não só deve haver participação, mas também deve haver uma maior consciência e apreciação da filosofia e princípios que regem os esportes e jogos. O objetivo no esporte não deve ser a vitória por qualquer meio, justo ou sujo. Quem quer que ganhe, os outros devem cumprimentá-lo com sentimentos fraternos. As regras do jogo devem ser rigorosamente observadas. Os prêmios não importam. O que é importante é o sentimento de autossatisfação derivada de jogar bem o jogo. | |||||
![]() | Translated into Russian | ||||
Совершенно очевидно, что изначально спортивные мероприятия были призваны развивать у человека стремление к здоровью и силе. Люди охотно принимали участие в спортивных играх для улучшения своей физической формы и развлечения публики. Спорт является неотъемлемой частью программы обучения во всех наших учебных заведениях, наряду с другими учебными дисциплинами, такими как математика, физика, химия. В спортивных играх важно не только участвовать, но также необходимо глубоко понимать и чтить философию и принципы, регулирующие спортивные состязания и игры. В спорте не должно быть цели достичь победы любыми способами: честными и нечестными. Кто бы ни выиграл состязание, другие должны приветствовать его с братскими чувствами. Во всех играх необходимо строго соблюдать правила. Призы не имеют значения. Что действительно важно, так это чувство Самоудовлетворения, полученное от хорошо сыгранной игры. | |||||
Baba | ![]() | ||||
Anyone who would like to translate and join the daily 'Thought for the Day' seva-translation, feel free to respond to lingam9@sathyasaibababrotherhood.org. Om Sai Ram | |||||
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