'Unity of Faiths' Festival:
Almost 10,000 people attended, and in conjunction with Westminster Interfaith, Saturday 11 June 2011 was a vibrant sunny day, on which London celebrated the first ever Unity of Faiths festival. The event's website was viewed by people from 23 countires and it had a total of 76,000 visitors during the live streaming of the programme. Unity of Faiths' aim is that it continues on an annual basis. The objective is for all faiths of the local community to come together, live in harmony and promote peace. VIP guests: Professor Anil Kumar (official translator and associate of Sathya Sai Baba) and Virendra Sharma (Labour MP for Ealing).
Vedanta Empire was assigned with the official photography for the day's events:
Sakshi Newspaper article, 13th June, 2011, included the following photographs: