♥ Om Sri Sai Ram. As we all pray to Bhagavan for His Divine message and guidance, I perceive Him to be seated in an orange robe. I repeat as He speaks.
God and nature are always together. Their relationship is inseparable and of Oneness. This is the word of Sai, the path of Truth.
Embodiments of Divine Love. The relationship that exists between creator and the creation is something which can never be separated. Where ever there is an object there is a reflection also. Where ever there is an action there is also a reaction. Where ever there is a sound there is also an echo. God is the object. Nature is the reflection of God. Therefore, there are only two things that exist. The first is the Truth, that is the object - God, and His reflection which is His creation.
The world exists because of the combination of God and Nature. Originally God is Formless. In order to start the work of creation God separated His power and strength into the form of a Goddess. This Goddess is the consort of God. This creation happened because of the combination of God and this Goddess. In the same way as a child is born from the womb of a mother, in the same way God and Goddess get together to give birth to this creation in the form of Hiranyagarbha.
The relationship between God and Goddess is not physical but spiritual and subtle. God and Goddess created the Hiranyagarbha and from there emerged this universe. The Hiranyagarbha is also know as the Golden Linga. There is also meaning with the shape of the Linga. This Hiranyagarbha Linga is nothing but One which has no beginning, no middle or end. The Hiranyagarbha Linga looks the same from any angle or direction that you look at it. Therefore, you can call it the perect shape. From that perfect Linga the Hiranyagarbha has originated all this universe. Scientist have conducted many investigations in order to find the origins of this universe. The truth is that it has emerged from the Hiranyagarbha Linga. It is only a kind of energy. It is not physical. It is unseen, without a shape or form. That energy gets into the Hiranyagarbha Linga.
Depending on that we do worship to God and creation, Purusha and Prakrithi. Shiva Shakthi gave birth to this Hiranyagarbha and hence the universe. The universe also has the shape of a Linga. That is why human beings keep worshipping the Linga. To think Shiva is only there in the Linga is a mistake. In the lingam there are both Shiva and Shakthi. This Yagna is that about Shiva Shakthi.
In the same way that there are various departments in the Government like roads, electricty and water department, God has created many departments in order to run this vast universe. There are three main areas of importance: creation, sustenance and destruction. We name these three functional heads as Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. In the same way as the primordial God created His power, the formless into a formless aspect of the Goddesses, similarly Brahma, Vishnu and Parameshwara also had separated their powers into the feminine forms. In order to manifest this physical universe from the subtle fundamental basis the same thing happened.
Suppose you want to build a building first you have to call an architect and plan the building. The architect knows the requirements of the building. The first creation happened in the mind of the architect. That is the subtle form. Similarly, if you want to transform this subtle Hiranyagarbha in the physical universe you also need people like engineers and others.
First, Brahma, who is the creator. The creator should have great intelligence and wisdom. He should know exactly what he is going to create. That intelligence was transformed into Saraswathi. That is the power of intelligence. We imagine that Brahma had a spouse by the name of Saraswathi but actually it is the power of Brahman Himself. The power of knowledge, of Brahma, is Saraswathi.
Vishnu is one who sustains. He has to manage. First comes Generation, creation, then organisation or management. For that the power of illusion is also required. The power of illusion makes you see what is not there and has you forget what is really there. The power of Vishnu is therefore manifested as Lakshmi. Its a kind of ignorance to think that Vishnu and Lakshmi live in Vaikuntha. In fact, Lakshmi is nothing but the power of Vishnu. That is the power of Illusion.
The third is the destroyer, that is destruction. Therefore G.O.D is generation, organisation and destruction. All three together lead to creation, sustenance and anhilation. That which is born has to die. Therefore, the final function is Lord Shiva. To think that Maheswara is the ultimate God is also ignorance. When we say Shiva Shakthi they are referred to as the primordial God and His power and not Shiva and Parvathi. Shiva and Parvathi are only departmental heads. They are not the primordial God and Goddess. The primordial God is the formless God. In order to carry on the function of destruction you need Shiva and Parvathi. In fact the power of Shiva is Parvathi.
In an office their is an officer who has a secretary. The secretary is more powerful than the one who she is working for. If you want to meet the officer you need to meet the secretary to make the appointment. If you want to worship God you first go to the priest. Therefore, in order to obtain parameshwara first you need to go to parameshwari or the Goddess. Apart from Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara their powers manifest themselves as Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvathi. These relationships are inseparable and are subtle, spiritual and not physical. Thus, the primordial Formless God created these three functional heads and gave them the necessary powers in order to do their functions.
The worship and adoration, that we are going to do now, is for the primordial God and Goddess, that is Shiva and Shakthi, not the Shiva and Parvathi that are of the deparment of destruction.
God is not born, does not die and is there as Atma in everybody. The worship that we do to the linga is to the original Hiranyagarbha. In the Arthi Rudra Maha Yagna also we worshipping that primordial Hiranyagarbha. Along with that we are also doing Navarathri Homa. For the sake of this world this physical, mental and spiritual power is very important. When all the three powers come together you can achieve anything. In order to do a small task all these three powers are required. The physical power, prowess, is Durga. The mental power is Saraswathi. The spiritual power is Lakshmi. In order to know our real nature their Grace is very important as well. That's why I keep telling you .... Bend the body, Mend the senses, End the mind ! In order to move these three things you need the three powers. Even if you want to do good things like service you need energy and good health. It is not enough to have physical strength, you also need mental strength.
A king had a servant. What kind of servant was he? He looked very strong yet had no brain. One day the king told the servant, "I am going to have a sleep. Make sure no one disturbs me." The serant took a stick and stood guard. Yet, it wasn't a stick but a sword. He was having a sword to frighten people away. One fly came to the room. It was going here and there. With the sword he wanted to drive it away. Finally, the fly landed on the nose of the king. In order to kill the fly he cut off the nose of the king. When you have such a brainless servant that is what is going to happen. With physical strength one needs also mental strength. Therefore intellect is also important. Saraswathi grants us that mental power. Saraswathi represents the wisdom of God. Physical strength is not enough even wisdom is required. In order to do any kind of service you need intelligence.
What for are you doing this service? If you think that you are serving somebody else this is a mistake. God is there in everyone. We have to think that when we serve others we are serving God Himself. God is there within you. We should not think we are serving someone else and thereby develop our ego and attachment. If you need to have that kind of discrimination you need to have spiritual power also.
There is only one Atma who is the indweller in everybody. There is only one Truth and scholars call It by different names. So in order to develop that kind of discrimination we also need the Grace of that which grants Moksha over Illusion. In order to remove the illusion we have to pray to Lakshmi. Only god is Truth. In order to get out of illusion in this creation we have to pray to the Goddess Lakshmi. We are worshipping the Hiranyagarbha and we going to identify ourselves with the same primordial Hiranyagarbha but that is NOT enough. Only when we have to gotten rid of the ego and attachment then we can realise God. Also we need to do selfless service to get rid of ego and attachment. In order to do service all the three forms, physical, mental and spiritual are required. Thus, it is necessary to worship all these Goddesses. We are performing all these Yagnas so everybody can have the opportunity of doing service, know the ultimate Truth and identify themselves with God. With the Grace of the Goddess we should gain all these three powers and finally realise our Onesness with the Hiranyagarbha.
The body is given to us to help others. It is our duty to do service. That is our very nature. Helping others is our real nature. "Para" means God. "Upa" means near. "kara" to go in the proximity. That which makes you nearer to God is Paraupakara. Where is God? God is within you. That which takes you nearer to your own Real Self that is Paraupakara. That is merit. The sin is that which takes us away from our true nature. That is why it is said that helping others is merit and hurting others is sin.
All of you have gathered here with great enthusiasm to do service. Just enthusiasm is not enough you should have the requisite strength also. Definitely it is good merit for you to take part in the service activity. If I had not willed none of you would have come here. You should know that because of My Will all of you have come here ! Coming here you have to put the opportunity to good use. Look after everybody with great love. After having spoken soo much philosophy about the Hiranyagarbha being God you criticise others by your side, that is not correct. This is only theorectical knowledge not practical knowledge. If you can not love the people around you how can you love God who is "far" away. Therefore, you have to love God who is in everybody and that loving salutation goes to God. If you hate anybody that also goes to God. Sometimes you may get into some difficult situations. The mind also may also trouble you at that point in time. In those situations you have to remember what Swami has told you and do what Swami has told you. A.B.C - Always Be Careful. A.B.C also means always be cheerful. If you are careful you can be cheerful. If you love everybody and serve everybody with love they will also be cheerful and so you will be too. Everybody has ego and attachment. In order to give it up we have gathered here. We should not develop our ego and attachment. The three departments God created in order to carry out the three functions. Even today we find people who worship Shiva and hate people who worship Vishnu and vice versa. Similarly those people who work in the transport department should not hate people who work in other departments. All of us are here together to carry out the Will of God and not our own wishes. So, what ever you do follow your heart. Heart is same and equal for everybody. The heart is always selfless. The mind thinks in different ways in different situations. We should give up the mind and follow the heart.
ARMY is there to fight with external things and not within. The enemy is our own attachments, likes and dislikes. Shiva has the snake. Parvathi has the cow. Easwara has the bull. Gowri has the cow. That is why she is called gow-ri. The Karthigeya has the peacock. Ganapathi has the very small rat. The Shakthi has the lion. Various kinds of animals are there associated with the family. If you dont look after the snake properly it will swallow the rat, the peacock will kill the snake, the lion will kill the peacock. They are all enemies if you look at them separately. Yet, together, in Gods family, they are all friends. The kind of ego and attachment we have is the animal quality. In order to give up our animal qualities and develop Divine qualities we getting this opportunity. In days gone by animals were being sacrificed. It is a great mistake to think that by sacrificing animals you will get the Grace of God. We have to sacrice our own animal qualities. Yagna means sacrifice. We have to first sacrifice our ego and attachment.
I am very happy that all of you have come here with great enthusiasm but you have to share your joy with everyone. You are the limbs and organs of the God with one body. Sometimes the hand may create trouble with the eye. And may times because of the teeth the tongue may be hurt. Just because the hand created some trouble with the eye, are you going to cut off you hand? The same hand you apply the medicine you require for the eye. When you eat sometimes the teeth may hurt the tongue. Should we break our teeth because of that ? When we know that everybody is the limb and organ of the same body we are not going to hurt anybody. Sometimes there may be some minor differences, but when we know that we are all the children of God we can forget those differences. We do not know how much delight others may derive out of this yagna but first we must derive delight. What ever you do do it delightedly and with pure faith. Dont have narrow minded differences amognst yourselves. To think that this is my department and I am confined to this department is wrong. Where ever necessary you can go anywhere and do the service. Accept your responsibilities properly and depending on your capacities you disharge your services.
The day on which Shirdi Baba shed His mortal body was Vijayadashami. This Vijayadashami is the transition from Sathya Sai to Prema Sai Avatara. Through Prema Sai Avatar the Golden Age will come. This is the first ray of the Golden Age. Kali Yuga full of darkness and ignorance will end. Sathyayuga which will be effulgent and will start. In a short time there will be many changes in the world. In the same way when the seasons change some plants will die and new plants will come up. When this transition happens between the Kali yuga and Sathya Yuga only those people who are worthy of the Sathya Yuga will continue to live, others will have to go.
Many people are asking when will Sathya Yuga begin. I want to tell you from this Vijayadashami Sathya yuga will begin. It is not just enough that the Golden Age dawns, your heart must also transform into Sathya Yuga. Teachers may teach many lessons yet if the students sleep in the class it is of no use. It is not right for you to think that when the Sathya Yuga dawns your heart will be full of love. In Sathya Yuga if you want to develop noble and good feelings then it will be easy for you. Negativity will reduce and positivity will increase. When you give up bad company and get into company it will be easy for us to develop good feelings. Thus, in Sathya Yuga it will be easy for us to attain our Divinity. Your own effort is still required. If you put in your effort, and My Grace also joins that, then you will acheive your goal. You were born for this purpose. The ultimate goal is Self Realisation. When the road is good you can go fast. When the road is bad you go slowly. During the day you can go fast. In the night only slowly. In Kali Yuga the road is bad and in the dark. Sathya Yuga means light, with a good road. With these two you can go very fast DISCLAIMER: Please remember these are jotted down notes, small healthy snacks to help US act as Gods (BE GOD) from the Discourse given by SUKSHMA BABA at Muddenahalli. This is NOT word for word or the full discourse. Nor do these NOTES convey the Divine Feeling or Divine Energy, in that moment, that is flowing in Abundance. If you want word for word, Heart to Heart, Divine Energy - go Within or attend these discourses. Enjoy the humble jottings. |