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martes, 13 de julio de 2010

July 13th

-= 13 July 2010 =-

Live update from Puttaparthi
Programme by Native American Indians (July 11th)
Kulwant hall had an entirely different look and feel feel today evening. Swami had permitted a programme by the native American Indians on their ancient traditions and customs. And so, the central marbled blocks had been filled with children in various animal and bird costumes. A backdrop of the huts and totem poles of the native Americans was also erected. Swami arrived for darshan shortly before 5:30pm. He came gliding through the ladies' side and His eyes seem to light up as He saw the children. He spoke to one of the ladies from the US group about the evening's programme and everyone around were so thrilled with the Divine proximity. He keenly observed the 'eagles', 'bears', 'buffaloes' and 'deer' seated and asked a few of the children as to where they had come from. Completing the round on the gents' side, Swami moved towards the Primary school children.
He stopped at the ladies' from the group and spoke a few words - the content of which we are not aware but it aroused laughter among all of them. He spoke to an elderly lady on the chair and then turned towards the Primary school kids. As always, the volume of chanting of the Primary school children goes up many decibels as Swami approaches. It seems to display the "doppler effect" of Veda chanting! Sure enough, the chanting on the PA system was almost rendered mute with the thunderous chanting of the tiny tots. Swami seemed amused at first and later, He positioned Himself in front of these children and began to hear them chant. Needing no further encouragement, the kids raised the volume to even higher levels. Swami spent almost 5-10 minutes in front of the children before moving to the stage.
Even as He arrived on the stage, He asked for the Veda chanting to stop and the programme to begin. A huge card that contained the programme for the evening was brought to Him and Swami smiled so beautifully and lovingly at them. It was a sight past compare! And it showed the magic of Swami's smile. Even as He smiled, torrents of joy seemed to flow through the hearts of all the assembled devotees who were lucky enough to witness it. Going through the card, Swami blessed them to begin. There was an offering to made from the ladies' side too and once again Swami conferred on them blessings and smiles. At 6:00pm, the programme started off with a song in the Traditional American Indian fashion. The singer moved front and in his powerful baritone voice filled the hall with a word and tune that seemed to touch some niche in one's heart. Swami smiled as He heard through the singing. The main part of the programme then began and it was a presentation entitled, "All our Relations".
It presented the ancient red-Indian wisdom that all we see around is related to us in some way or the other. It found resonance in Swami's teaching that, "The individual is a part of society; Society a part of nature and finally Nature is a part of God!" The teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel were presented with the four directions being assigned an animal- viz. the eagle for the east, deer for the south, bear for the west and the buffalo for the north. The lessons to be derived from each of these animals were presented melodiously in song and dance form. There was complete participation as the music and singing were provided by the children's group singing Live also! Swami was happy with the programme and was also amused at times seeing the children perform sincerely and well. He was all smiles throughout the programme. Whenever there were visual breaks in between, He would pore over the various letters that He had accepted during the darshan rounds. In the middle, Swami went into the interview room for about five minutes. The programme concluded with a dance for unity and everyone joined in. At the end of the colourful 45 minutes programme, the children made a fervent appeal to Swami expressing hope that Swami would visit their country to see 'in person' the rare culture of the United States of America.
As the final formation was made, Swami gave a look of appreciation towards the photographer seated there and told Him to take photos. He then said that He would move down to be with the children. Swami posed with the children for a group photograph. All the members of the performing group also came close to Swami and it formed a large wonderfully colourful group. As the photos were taken and Swami moved up the stage, the children came together. With a gently smile, Swami commented that it was not right that the boys and girls sit together. Soon, as per the Divine directions and discipline demanded, the children were seated as separate groups. Swami had already received Aarthi and blessed prasadam for distribution. But He told the students to start bhajans.
And so, the bhajans began. As the bhajans went on, one of the photographers gave Swami a copy of the group photo that had been taken. Swami saw it for a few moments and then slowly turned it and displayed it for all to see. The children and adults alike became childlike in their joyous clapping and rejoicing. Swami called one of the kids and gave him the picture. Soon, He asked for the Aarthi and it was done for the second time in the evening. As Swami was moving back towards the Residence, He accepted a rose from an elderly native American, George Walking Bear Gillette - a healer from the tribes. (In an interview at the Radiosai studios, Mr.Gillette, in his ripe eighties, revealed that he had seen Swami on innumerable occasions during his practise of hypnotic healing. "All the healings have been done by Him alone and I take no credit," he admitted and said that finally after 35 years, he was seeing Swami at Puttaparthi for the first time) The time was 7:15pm when Swami retired.
-= Thought for the Day =-
Reading and enjoying the stories of the glory of the Lord in some sacred spot like temple, prayer hall, shrine, hermitage of a saint, or in the company of virtuous and good people, is a source of great inspiration and joy. It will make you forget everything else. Taste for such wholesome literature is the result of accumulated merit and endeavour. You can even approach pious men, serve them and listen to their exposition of the glory of God. Listening alone will be enough in the beginning. Later, the stories will arouse interest in the nature and characteristics of God and the aspirants will find and seek for themselves the path to Self-realization.
Translated into Dutch by Sama Chintha Group Belgium
Het is een echte bron van inspiratie en vreugde verhalen te lezen over de glorie van God op een heilige plaats zoals een tempel, een gebedsruimte, een hermitage van een heilige of in het gezelschap van rechtschapen en positieve mensen. Het zal je al het andere doen vergeten. Je voorliefde voor zo'n heilzame literatuur is het gevolg van vele verdiensten en inspanningen. Je kan ook devote mensen benaderen, hen dienen en luisteren naar hun bezield spreken over God. Aanvankelijk is luisteren voldoende. Later zullen de verhalen een interesse opwekken naar de natuur en kwaliteiten van God. De aspiranten zullen dan zelf het pad van Zelfrealisatie zoeken en vinden.
Translated into French by Nathalie
Lire et apprécier les histoires de la gloire du Seigneur dans quelque lieu sacré, comme un temple, une salle de prière , un lieu de pélerinage , l'ermitage d'un saint, ou en compagnie de gens vertueux et bons, est une grande source d'inspiration et de joie. Cela vous fera oublier tout le reste. Le Goût pour la littérature saine est le résultat de mérites et efforts accumulés . Vous pouvez aussi approcher des hommes pieux , les servir et écouter leur exposé sur la gloire de Dieu . L' Écoute seule sera suffisante au début. Plus tard, les histoires vont susciter de l'intérêt pour connaître la nature et les caractéristiques de Dieu . Les aspirants rechercheront et trouveront le chemin de la Réalisation du Soi pour eux-mêmes.
Translated into German by Margitta Bonds
Das Lesen und die Geschichten von dem Glanz und Ruhm Gottes, die an heiligen Orten wie Tempeln, Gebetsräumen, Gedenkstätten, Einsiedeleien eines Heiligen, oder in der Gesellschaft moralischer und guter Menschen gehört und genossen werden können, sind eine große Inspiration und Freude. Es wird euch alles andere vergessen lassen. Geschmack an solcher nützlichen Literatur zu finden ist das Resultat angesammelter Verdienste und Bemühungen. Ihr könnt sogar frommen Menschen näher kommen, ihnen dienen und ihren Ausführungen über den Ruhm und Glanz Gottes lauschen. Das Zuhören wird am Anfang genügen. Später aber werden die Geschichten Interesse an dem Wesen Gottes und Seine Eigenschaften wecken und der Suchende wird den Weg für sich, der zur Selbstverwirklichung führt, suchen und finden.
Translated into Italian by Emme
Leggendo ed apprezzando le storie della Gloria del Signore in posti particolarmente sacri come un tempio, la stanza delle preghiere, l'eremitaggio di santi o in compagnia di persone virtuose e buone, è sorgente di grande ispirazione e gioia. Vi farà inoltre scordare ogni altra cosa. Gustare una simile sana letteratura è il risultato di meriti e sforzi accumulati. Potete perfino avvicinare uomini pii, servirli e ascoltare la loro esposizione delle glorie di Dio. All'inizio il solo ascolto sarà abbastanza. Più avanti, le storie accresceranno l'interesse nella natura e nelle caratteristiche di Dio e gli aspiranti cercheranno e troveranno per sé stessi la strada dell'Auto-realizzazione.
Translated into Spanish by Herta Pfeifer
El leer y disfrutar las historias acerca de la gloria del Señor en algunos lugares sagrados como un templo, una sala de oración, un santuario, la ermita de un santo o en la compañía de gente virtuosa y buena, representa una gran fuente de inspiración y alegría. Les hará olvidar todo lo demás. El gusto por una tan saludable literatura es el resultado de méritos y empeños acumulados. Hasta pueden acercarse a hombres piadosos, servirles y escuchar sus exposiciones sobre la gloria de Dios. El sólo escuchar bastará en un comienzo. Más adelante, las historias despertarán el interés por la naturaleza y las características de Dios y los aspirantes buscarán y encontrarán por sí mismos la senda hacia la Autorrealización.
Translated into Indonesian by Yuli Santosa
Membaca dan menikmati kisah kemuliaan Tuhan di beberapa tempat suci seperti temple (Pura), ruang doa, kuil, pertapaan orang suci, atau dalam pergaulan dengan orang-orang saleh dan baik, merupakan sumber inspirasi dan kebahagiaan yang besar. Ini akan membuatmu melupakan hal-hal yang lainnya. Merasakan beberapa literatur yang bermanfaat tersebut adalah merupakan hasil akumulasi dari kebaikan dan usaha yang telah dilakukan. Engkau bahkan bisa mendekati orang-orang yang saleh, melayani mereka dan mendengarkan penjelasan mereka tentang kemuliaan Tuhan. Pada awalnya, mendengarkan saja sudah cukup, selanjutnya kisah-kisah tersebut akan membangkitkan minat pada sifat dan karakteristik Tuhan dan para peminat spiritual akan menemukan dan mencari sendiri jalan menuju kesadaran Atma.
Translated into Tamil by Karthikeyan
Translated into Malayalam by Ram Sai
Translated into Portuguese by Fernando Noll
Ler e desfrutar das histórias de glória do Senhor, em algum lugar sagrado como um templo, santuário, ermida de um santo ou na companhia de pessoas virtuosas e boas, é uma fonte de grande inspiração e alegria. Isso fará você esquecer todo o resto. Gosto por tal literatura saudável é o resultado acumulado de mérito e esforço. Você pode até mesmo aproximar-se de homens piedosos, servi-los e ouvir sua exposição da glória de Deus. Ouvir só será suficiente no início. Mais tarde, as histórias vão despertar o interesse na natureza e nas características de Deus e os aspirantes encontrarão e seguirão o caminho para a Auto-realização.
Translated into Russian by Vladim
Чтение и наслаждение рассказами о славе Господа в таких священных местах, как храм, молитвенный зал, церковь, обитель святого, или в компании добродетельных и хороших людей, является источником вдохновения и радости. Это позволит Вам забыть обо всём остальном. Вкус к такой полезной, благотворной литературе является результатом накопления заслуг и стараний. Вы можете даже быть почти равным праведникам, служить им и прислушиваться к их описанию славы Божьей. Для начала достаточно будет только слушать. Потом, рассказы пробудят интерес к природе и атрибутам Бога, и искатель будет искать и найдет для себя путь к самореализации.
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