Sathya Sai Baba en medios, Intermediarios y Canalización
Todos sabemos que Swami nos ha advertido en muchas de sus últimos discursos sobre las actividades fraudulentas llevadas a cabo por muchas personas sin escrúpulos que dicen ser un medio, intermediario o canalizando el mensaje de Swami. Cuando investigué un poco más en esto, he encontrado este interesante cita de Swami en la página 79 que aparece justo debajo de la "Canalización categoría 'publicado en el libro" Un compendio de las enseñanzas de Sri Sathya Sai Baba "compiladas por Charlene Leslie Chaden.
"Bhagavan Baba mismo tiene en muchas ocasiones instó a los devotos no ser captados por los medios y otros. Sin embargo, después de mis experiencias e investigaciones, decidí preguntarle al respecto. En una ocasión, cuando tuve la oportunidad me planteó este tema e hizo referencia específica a las experiencias que había sufrido y él respondió: "¡Sí! Estos son verdad - pero la razón por Swami desalienta es porque para cada verdad hay cien falsa '! "- J. Jagadeesan,. Viaje al Dios de la Parte III P 152 Fuente: Para aquellos que no lo sé, J. Jagadeesan o hermano. Jaga (como se le conoce popularmente en círculos Sai) es un orador inspirador y un devoto de mucho tiempo de Swami de Malasia. Ha escrito muchos libros sobre Swami incluyendo "cuarta dimensión", Parte 4 en el Viaje al Dios de la serie donde se discute el tema de los medios y canales de profundidad sobre la base de sus muchas entrevistas con Swami y sus propias experiencias personales en Malasia. Si bien esta cita en particular de Swami no necesariamente prueba que Swami está hablando a través Madhusudhan Rao Naidu, no explica por qué Swami estaba tan preocupado por no aprobar ninguna de dichas reivindicaciones abiertamente.Cuando se piensa en ello, tiene sentido perfecto. Una vez que deja que el genio de la canalización de la botella, es muy difícil recuperarla. Así que la pregunta sigue siendo.Cómo validar tales afirmaciones? Supongo que, la prueba del budín está en comerlo.En lugar de creer al instante todos y cada afirmación hecha por todos y cada uno trata de ser un medio, intermediario o canalizar el mensaje de Swami, debemos examinar cuidadosamente que está haciendo este tipo de reclamos, sus antecedentes, su carácter e integridad, sus motivos y lo más importante el propio mensaje . En mi humilde opinión, las personas asociadas con la forma sutil en Muddenahalli son bien conocidos en la comunidad Sai para servir desinteresadamente Swami durante mucho tiempo durante su presencia física. Algunos de ellos han sacrificado sus vidas para servir a la misión de Swami. Sri Narasimha Murthy narró este incidente en una de sus conversaciones. Cuando Krishna rescató Draupadi de ser desnudado y humillado delante de todos los malvados Dushasana, nadie lo vio. Swami mencionó que la mayoría de las películas y series de televisión representan esta escena con una Krishna sonriendo mirando desde el cielo con levantó la mano, produciendo suministro ilimitado de Saris para proteger el honor de Draupadi. En realidad nadie realmente vio Krishna, ni siquiera Draupadi. Lo que todo el mundo fue testigo y se maravilló fue interminable suministro de Saris para Draupadi en respuesta a sus oraciones por lo invisible Krishna en forma sutil. Desde Maha Samadhi, un hospital súper especialidad ha surgido en Raipur en un tiempo récord (menos de 10 meses), junto con seis nuevos centros educativos en varias partes de Karnataka. Swami mencionó en numerosos discursos que él va a vivir hasta que Él se vuelve 96. También declaró en el 2009 que se va en una gira mundial. Incluso mencionó los nombres de los países, que iba a visitar.También mencionó que iba a vivir en una residencia colina durante sus últimos años.Muchas veces en sus discursos que mencionaron que no se limita al 5 pies 3 pulgadas marco físico que vemos, pero su verdadera naturaleza es inescrutable e incomprensible para la mente humana. Swami mencionó que en su Ati sookshma Shareera (el cuerpo superior sutil), Él entra en los sueños y meditaciones de las personas. Vea el siguiente video para entender cómo Swami comunicó con bro. Jaga en su meditación dándole instrucciones específicas acerca de la realización de una Yagna para invocar lluvias durante una situación de grave sequía en Malasia.
He aquí otro ejemplo de la canalización. En este video el Dr. PV Shankar compartió su increíble experiencia de recibir este hermoso mensaje (Sai Upanishad) de Swami.Mientras se preguntaba sobre el significado de Asatoma Sadgamaya (un antiguo himno védico de Brihadaranyaka Upanishad), Swami le guió a una versión completamente nueva. Dwaitoma Adwaitomaya Gamaya Llévame de la dualidad a la no-dual (unicidad de Dios en ti) Drishotoma Adrishtomaya Gamaya Guíame de verlo para no visto (la realidad detrás de la SEEN) Srishtoma Premam Gamaya me llevan a través del camino del amor (por amar a todo el mundo en esta creación)
Tienes que mirar en este mundo objetivo con Jnana chakshu (el ojo de la sabiduría), no con el Charma chakshu (ojo físico). - Baba
Así como hay leyes físicas (relativos a la gravedad, movimiento, energía) que rigen este universo bruto, hay muchas leyes espirituales sutiles (relativas al Dharma, Karma, moralidad) que rigen nuestras vidas. Estas leyes cósmicas son inmutables y universalmente aplicable independientemente de tiempo y lugar. Ya sea que seamos conscientes de ellos o creemos en ellos es intrascendente. Por ejemplo, es posible que no cree en la gravedad y discutir largo y duro que no existe. Sin embargo, si intenta saltar desde un acantilado para hacer su punto, con toda probabilidad sería su último intento. Sin embargo, algunas de estas leyes cósmicas son para ser descubierto o comprendido plenamente por la humanidad. Ciencia con su fascinación habitual con el mundo físico bruto (visto) está despertando lentamente hasta el inmenso potencial del mundo interior sutil (la realidad invisible detrás de lo visible).Ver el vídeo Jeff Lieberman, un artista formado en el MIT, científico e ingeniero, hace un argumento científico para la experiencia mística.
Sathya Sai Baba dice: "Estamos tratando de descubrir a Dios en busca de él en todo el Universo. Pero omitimos para investigar su existencia dentro de nosotros mismos como el centro mismo y piedra angular de nuestro Ser.Cuando se descubre a sí mismo - su Ser - todos cesa el llanto y el a alcanzar la felicidad suprema. Este es el auto-conocimiento verdadero ".
Sathya Sai Baba on Mediums, Intermediaries and Channeling
We all know that Swami has warned us in many of His past discourses about the fraudulent activities carried out by many unscrupulous people claiming to be a medium, intermediary or channeling Swami's message. When I researched a bit more on this, I found this interesting quote of Swami on Page 79 listed right under the 'Channeling' category published in the book "A Compendium of the Teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba" compiled by Charlene Leslie Chaden.
"Bhagavan Baba Himself has on many occasions urged devotees not to be taken up by mediums and others. However, after my experiences and research, I decided to ask Him about it. On one occasion when I had the opportunity I raised this subject and made specific reference to the experiences I had undergone and He replied: 'Yes! These are true – but the reason why Swami discourages is because for every truth there are a hundred false!'." – J. Jagadeesan, Journey To God Part III P 152 Source: For those who do not know, J. Jagadeesan or bro. Jaga (as he is popularly known in Sai circles) is an inspiring public speaker and a long time devotee of Swami from Malaysia. He has written many books on Swami including 'fourth dimension', Part 4 in the Journey to God Series where he discusses the issue of mediums and channels in depth based on his many interviews with Swami and his own personal experiences in Malaysia. While this particular quote from Swami does not necessarily prove that Swami is speaking through Madhusudhan Rao Naidu, it does explain why Swami was so concerned about not endorsing any such claims openly. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Once you let the channeling genie out of the bottle, it is very hard to get it back. So the question remains. How to validate such claims? I guess, the proof of pudding is in the eating. Instead of instantly believing each and every claim made by all and sundry about being a medium, intermediary or channeling Swami's message, we should carefully examine who is making such claims, their background, their character and integrity, their motives and most importantly the message itself. In my humble opinion, people associated with the Subtle Form in Muddenahalli are well known in the Sai community for selflessly serving Swami for a very long time during His physical presence. Some of them have sacrificed their whole lives to serve Swami's mission. Sri Narasimha Murthy narrated this incident in one of his talks. When Krishna rescued Draupadi from being disrobed and humiliated in front of everyone by the wicked Dushasana, no one saw Him. Swami mentioned that most movies and TV serials depict this scene with a smiling Krishna watching from the sky with his hand raised, churning out limitless supply of Saris to protect Draupadi's honour. In reality no one actually saw Krishna, not even Draupadi. What everyone witnessed and marvelled at was endless supply of Saris for Draupadi in response to her prayers by the unseen Krishna in the subtle form. Since Maha Samadhi, one super speciality Hospital has come up in Raipur in record time (less than 10 months) along with six new educational institutes in various parts of Karnataka. Swami mentioned in numerous discourses that He is going to live till He turns 96. He also declared in 2009 that he will be going on a world tour. He even mentioned the names of the countries, he was going to visit. He also mentioned that he was going to live on a hilltop abode during his last years. Many times in His discourses he mentioned that he is not limited to the 5 foot 3 inch physical frame that we see but His true nature is inscrutable and beyond comprehension for the human mind. Swami mentioned that in His Ati Sookshma Shareera (the higher subtle body), He enters into people's dreams and meditations. Watch the following video to understand how Swami communicated with bro. Jaga in his meditation giving him specific instructions about conducting a Yagna to invoke rains during a severe drought situation in Malaysia.
Here is another example of channeling. In this video Dr. PV Shankar shared his amazing experience of receiving this beautiful message (Sai Upanishad) from Swami. While wondering about the meaning of Asatoma Sadgamaya (an ancient Vedic hymn from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad), Swami guided him to an entirely new version.Dwaitoma Adwaitomaya Gamaya Lead me from duality to non-dual (oneness of God in you) Drishotoma Adrishtomaya Gamaya Lead me from seen to unseen (reality behind the seen) Srishtoma Premam Gamaya Lead me to you through the path of love (by loving everyone in this creation)
It is not uncommon to receive such great insights about complex things in life. We all know how the law of gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton while he was sitting under a tree, watching an apple fall from the tree. Ramanujan said that the Hindu goddess Namagiri would appear in his dreams, showing him mathematical proofs, which he would write down when he awoke. There are many such amazing discoveries made by Scientists who have been able to channel through their subconscious mind. The Vedas(universal eternal truths) contain the collective wisdom of seers and sages of the yore who in their deep meditation were able to receive the higher knowledge about the creation and the creator which was later compiled and passed on from one generation to another in the form of Shrutis (that which is heard) and Smritis (that which is remembered). Sage Kaushika discovered the Gayatri Mantra in his deep meditation and shared the secrets and potency of this Mantra for self illumination most selflessly with the rest of humanity, earning him the title VishwaMitra (friend of the world). A very famous example of Channeling comes from the great Indian epic Mahabharata. King Dhritarashtra's charioteer Sanjaya was able to see and hear the Kurukshetra Battle and narrate it to the King verbatim,what was happening miles away in real time. When Krishna showed his Virata Swaroopa (Para Sookshma Shareera – the omnipresent super subtle body) to Arjuna, He granted Divya Drishti (divine vision) to Arjuna and Sanjaya temporarily to envision that form as they were not able to see Him through their physical eyes.You have to look at this objective world with Jnana Chakshu (the eye of wisdom), not with the Charma Chakshu (physical eye). – Baba
Just as there are physical laws (relating to Gravity, Motion, Energy) that govern this gross universe, there are many subtle spiritual laws (relating to Dharma, Karma, Morality) that govern our lives. These cosmic laws are immutable and universally applicable irrespective of time and place. Whether we are aware of them or believe in them is inconsequential. For example, you may not believe in gravity and argue long and hard that it does not exist. However if you try to jump off from a cliff to make your point, in all probability it would be your last attempt. Some of these cosmic laws are yet to be discovered or understood fully by mankind. Science with its usual fascination with the gross physical world (seen) is slowly waking up to the immense potential of the subtle inner world (unseen reality behind the seen). See this video Jeff Lieberman, an MIT-trained artist, scientist and engineer, makes a scientific argument for mystical experience.
Sathya Sai Baba says, "We are trying to discover GOD, searching for Him throughout the Universe. But we omit to investigate His existence within ourselves as the very core and keystone of our Being. When you discover yourself – your Self – all wailing ceases and you attain supreme happiness. This is real self-knowledge."
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