Let us pray together 12th June 2014, 2nd Lot of Letters/requests and the prayers during Parayan of Sai Satcharitra.
For 12th June 2014.
Jai Sai Ram
- This letter does not include the requests received on WhatsApp.
- Please write the Non- Confidential letters as far as possible, as it may go to all the members of the group and they may also pray for you.
- Once again Group recitation of Sai Amrit Vani will be held on 12th June 2014, from 11 AM to 12:30 Noon, in New Delhi at Sidhartha Extension. Mrs. Gupta will be reading chapter 26 from Sai Satcharitra after the group recitation of Sai Amrit Vani . Devotees interested in attending the recitation in person are requested to come at least at least 15 minutes earlier, not to bring any Pratima/Moorti or Statue of Baba from their mandir, i.e which is already being worshipped or big Moorti, they should also NOT bring any bhog . They may contact us on 26346942 ( or 8010020413), on any day from 11 AM to 6 PM. But no calls on Thursdays. They may bring a empty bottle with broad neck for the holy water, which oozes from the charans of Baba. Kids are not allowed in the prayer hall during recitation. They should not bring any bhog also.
- Sai Amrit Vani Videos are now available on Youtube with the following links.
Sai Amrit Vani Part 1.
Sai Amrit Vani Part 2.
- Chapter wise Script of Sai Satcharitra in Hindi can be downloaded from http://www.mysaibaba20.info/hindi. The audio can be had from http://mysaibaba20.info/downloads.html.
- Scripts of Sai Amrit Vani are available in Devnagri (Hindi), English, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Gujrati and Odiya Alphabets in the file section of the yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3 files are also given in the link section of the home page of `mysaibaba20' yahoogroup. To go to home page of yahoogroup key in or click http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mysaibaba20 . or also from http://www.mysaibaba20.info
- Let us all pray together for all. Pray for others also, They will also pray for you. But for this you have to recite Sai Amrit Vani and do the Parayan of Sai Satcharitra on Thursdays.
- Third list will follow with list of confidential/private letters.
- Please write prayer request letters to the email address veena_gupta_2000@yahoo.com only and not to the Group as it disturbs all the 12,400+ members.
- Devotees should be specific by giving
Date, for which Thursday they are writing the latter.
Place - City and Country (Locality in Case of Delhi)
That they will be reciting or reading Sri Sai Amrit Vani/ Prayan of Sai Satcharitra.
Write Private/confidential or Non- Confidential along with Sai Amrit Vani in the subject.
Write your prayer letter only to email id veena_gupta_2000@yahoo.com
- It is requested that they should recite Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places, ( Do it at any time if 11 AM – 12 Noon is not possible (your Local time).
- Following are the letters received for 12th July 2014. Letters not mentioning that they will recite/read or listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani on this Thursday have not been included in this.
- I have omitted those letters who have written private or confidential in the subject. Please write your letter/requests only on email id veena_gupta_2000@yahoo.com and to get the attention please write Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Private or confidential also in the Subject.
Ashok Gupta