Reminiscing the creation of Lingas by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
A reminiscing that not only refreshes many a wondrous events that had been witnessed, but also rejuvenates the faith and hope, of all those who had experienced the creation of Lingas in the Divine Presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
......."The manifestation of the Lingam is a part of My Nature. Spiritual Scholars explain it as reminiscent of an epochal event in the past when Shiva challenged Brahma and Vishnu to gauge the height and depth of the Lingam Form He assumed. The two Gods failed and had to accept defeat â€" that is the usual folklore. Truly speaking, however, the Lingam emerges as a result of prayer by devotees and Divine Grace. You have to recognise in this event a glimpse of Divinity and a sign of Infinite Grace. Just as Om is the sound symbol of God, the Lingam is the Form symbol or the visible symbol of God, the most meaningful, the simplest and the least endowed with the
appendages of attributes.
Lingam means That in which this merges or dissolves. Eventually, all Forms have to merge in the Formless. Shiva is the Principle of the Dissolution of all Names and Forms, of all entities and individuals. Thus, the Lingam is the simplest sign or symbol of Emergence and Mergence."
- Sathya Sai Baba
