Vibhutis of Vibhuti
Friday, March 8th, 2013
Vibhuti means besides the sacred ashes or Udhi, which Sai Baba of Shirdi used to give or which Sathya Sai Baba, His Present manifestation creates and gives - but, also, might, power, greatness, magnificence, splendour, etc. This article deals with the Vibhutis of the Vibhuti of Sathya Sai Baba. The Bhagavad Gita declares: "There is no end to My Divine Vibhutis, O Slayer of foes! I have now described to you only a portion of My Vibhutis!" Yes; the Vibhutis of the Kaliyuga Avatar of the Lord, too, are without end; even the Vibhutis of His Vibhuti are endless. Through these series of four letters, from Sri HN Banerjee, we can picture to ourselves the immeasurable vastness of that Glory. Published in Sanathana Sarathi, May 1965.
Letter No:1
I am writing to you for His Holiness's Blessings in a dire calamity that has befallen our family. My eldest brother's eldest daughter, aged 38 years, mother of seven children, has got cancer. She has been operated upon by Dr. B. N. B. Rao, Prof. of Surgery at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. The pathological report of the removed tissue shows most virulent type of cancer-aplastic carcinoma. Dr. Ramalingaswami, the renowned Pathologist of the same Institute has himself examined the tissue. This type of carcinoma is most fatal; she has now hardly eight months or so of life. My eldest brother lost his eldest son, a very brilliant boy, when the boy was only 14. His second son is now District Medical Officer, Patna. My Brother has two daughters also, the elder one is the one facing death. Her husband, an Electrical Engineer, has taken long leave and is ready to resign from a very lucrative position to give company to his ailing wife. We have many faults and blemishes, but, yet, I feel, He may take pity on my eldest brother and save the life of his daughter from this virulent type of carcinoma. She is in Surgical special ward, Room No. 367. I pray I may be kindly pardoned for making this prayer. I pray that my prayer at the Holy Feet of Baba will help us to save the life of this girl, the first girl in the next generation of our family. With prayers and with tears…
I am writing to you for His Holiness's Blessings in a dire calamity that has befallen our family. My eldest brother's eldest daughter, aged 38 years, mother of seven children, has got cancer. She has been operated upon by Dr. B. N. B. Rao, Prof. of Surgery at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. The pathological report of the removed tissue shows most virulent type of cancer-aplastic carcinoma. Dr. Ramalingaswami, the renowned Pathologist of the same Institute has himself examined the tissue. This type of carcinoma is most fatal; she has now hardly eight months or so of life. My eldest brother lost his eldest son, a very brilliant boy, when the boy was only 14. His second son is now District Medical Officer, Patna. My Brother has two daughters also, the elder one is the one facing death. Her husband, an Electrical Engineer, has taken long leave and is ready to resign from a very lucrative position to give company to his ailing wife. We have many faults and blemishes, but, yet, I feel, He may take pity on my eldest brother and save the life of his daughter from this virulent type of carcinoma. She is in Surgical special ward, Room No. 367. I pray I may be kindly pardoned for making this prayer. I pray that my prayer at the Holy Feet of Baba will help us to save the life of this girl, the first girl in the next generation of our family. With prayers and with tears…
Letter No: 2
New Delhi: 20-2-65
I brought the Vibhuti packets from Baba which were sent to me, to Delhi, this morning, by Pathankot and ran to my niece's special ward from Nizamuddin and was able to give her the Prasad. Vibhuti as the first thing in the morning, and a tilak on forehead. By the grace of His Holiness, the temperature which was tormenting her for last ten days, rising with severe rigor up to 106.7 F with unbearable burning sensation and a severe sinking feeling, has disappeared today and all the painful symptoms remained away. What a miracle this alone is! How grateful I feel for the extra-ordinary clemency done on me and on my brother's daughter by the Great Reverend Bhagawan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Please tender my Sashtanga Pranams to His Holiness…
New Delhi: 20-2-65
I brought the Vibhuti packets from Baba which were sent to me, to Delhi, this morning, by Pathankot and ran to my niece's special ward from Nizamuddin and was able to give her the Prasad. Vibhuti as the first thing in the morning, and a tilak on forehead. By the grace of His Holiness, the temperature which was tormenting her for last ten days, rising with severe rigor up to 106.7 F with unbearable burning sensation and a severe sinking feeling, has disappeared today and all the painful symptoms remained away. What a miracle this alone is! How grateful I feel for the extra-ordinary clemency done on me and on my brother's daughter by the Great Reverend Bhagawan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Please tender my Sashtanga Pranams to His Holiness…

Letter No. 3
Gwalior: 10-3-65
My niece is now much better. She has got over the anaemia, moves about, and is practically taking normal diet. Further, Cobalt 60, that caused so much of setback is now being taken very satisfactorily. Cancer is most unpredictable, according to medical science, but I am sure she would have a flourishing life with the blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I am leaving next month to take up the appointment of the Head of the Bio-Chemistry Division at Rajendra Memorial Research Institute for Medical Sciences; I am to devote all my abilities to bring about some benefit with the Grace of Bhagawan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba for suffering mankind….
Gwalior: 10-3-65
My niece is now much better. She has got over the anaemia, moves about, and is practically taking normal diet. Further, Cobalt 60, that caused so much of setback is now being taken very satisfactorily. Cancer is most unpredictable, according to medical science, but I am sure she would have a flourishing life with the blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I am leaving next month to take up the appointment of the Head of the Bio-Chemistry Division at Rajendra Memorial Research Institute for Medical Sciences; I am to devote all my abilities to bring about some benefit with the Grace of Bhagawan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba for suffering mankind….
Letter No. 4
Patna: 23-4-65
My niece is, by the Grace of Bhagawan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba, doing well. She was to undergo an operation, ovariotomy, as a precautionary measure. But, the Calcutta doctors have dropped the idea, as the same is not warranted. I am very sure, in my mind, that my niece has been saved by the Grace of Bhagawan Sai Baba. She was discharged a month ago and left for Calcutta the same day, with her husband. I offer my heart-felt thanks and Sashtanga Pranams and Dandabat.
H. N. Banerji
Patna: 23-4-65
My niece is, by the Grace of Bhagawan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba, doing well. She was to undergo an operation, ovariotomy, as a precautionary measure. But, the Calcutta doctors have dropped the idea, as the same is not warranted. I am very sure, in my mind, that my niece has been saved by the Grace of Bhagawan Sai Baba. She was discharged a month ago and left for Calcutta the same day, with her husband. I offer my heart-felt thanks and Sashtanga Pranams and Dandabat.
H. N. Banerji


Don't You Know, My Beloved Bhagawan…Then Why Don't You…?
Friday, March 8th, 2013
Akin to Radharani and Meera bai, Who gave their heart and soul to the Supreme Godhead as Bhagawan Sri Krishna, now, when Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai walks amidst us, how many of us live that ideal devoted life living for Him, in Him? …and to that devotee who breathes Him every single moment, does not He owe something Divinely spectacular?…His very own Darshan?…asks Sri Jullie Chaudhuri…
Don't You know, Oh! Beloved Bhagawan,
What You mean to me…?
Don't You know,
That it is You Who fills my every moment,
With miraculous beauty…?
It is only You,
Whom my heart, mind and soul,
Does perennially cajole and extol,
Solely occupied by You is my sacred shrine…
Your Lotus Feet remains forever my cherished altar…
Circumstances and destinies,
You can with smooth ease alter,
In You…with You, I experience all wondrous links,
And associations,
Sans reservations,
For don't You know You mean everything to me…?
Don't You know it's You and none other,
Oh! My Sai…my Beloved Mother…?
What You mean to me…?
Don't You know,
That it is You Who fills my every moment,
With miraculous beauty…?
It is only You,
Whom my heart, mind and soul,
Does perennially cajole and extol,
Solely occupied by You is my sacred shrine…
Your Lotus Feet remains forever my cherished altar…
Circumstances and destinies,
You can with smooth ease alter,
In You…with You, I experience all wondrous links,
And associations,
Sans reservations,
For don't You know You mean everything to me…?
Don't You know it's You and none other,
Oh! My Sai…my Beloved Mother…?
If You know so,
And You must so do too,
Since You are the Omniscient, Omnipresent,
All pervading…all knowing Primordial Divine Spirit,
From the dawn of creation…
All that I am…and ever will be,
With my first breath to You I did commit…
And You must so do too,
Since You are the Omniscient, Omnipresent,
All pervading…all knowing Primordial Divine Spirit,
From the dawn of creation…
All that I am…and ever will be,
With my first breath to You I did commit…
Then why are You so silent sometimes…?
You, Who has always ever been with me,
Through any and every clime,
For Whom my every heartbeat does soulfully chime…
Why are You silent when I can feel You close…?
Why are You silent when I need to hear Your voice…?
You are my will…You, since time immemorial…
My preferred choice,
To love You with every cell of my being,
Is it a crime..?
It is You Who symbolizes all things sublime…
I now want to glimpse and glance,
At the One Who has always held my hand,
Who has forever been with me through space and time…
For all times…
You, Who has always ever been with me,
Through any and every clime,
For Whom my every heartbeat does soulfully chime…
Why are You silent when I can feel You close…?
Why are You silent when I need to hear Your voice…?
You are my will…You, since time immemorial…
My preferred choice,
To love You with every cell of my being,
Is it a crime..?
It is You Who symbolizes all things sublime…
I now want to glimpse and glance,
At the One Who has always held my hand,
Who has forever been with me through space and time…
For all times…
Don't You know through all the trials and tests,
I have constantly known how consistently blessed am I…?
Don't You know, Oh! Cherished Mother Sai,
Anyatha Sharanam Nasti,
Tvameva Sharanam Mamah,
Other than You refuge there is none,
Nor do I seek any other,
Oh! Sweet Mother,
If You know how I feel,
That it is You,
You… are my forever delight,
You, Who holds timeless Cosmic Appeal,
Only for You,
Exuberantly does flow this sentiment,
Forever apparent something I can never conceal,
A moment away from thoughts of You is an absolute ordeal…
If You know all this,
It is You in Whom every atom of my being,
Does rejoice in, exult and cherish,
Then why don't You reveal Yourself in the Physical,
And grant me that superlative bliss…?
While doing so my innermost yearning furbish,
To prize, adore, worship, relish and revel in Thy Divine Presence…
Then why don't You end,
What has the semblance,
Of an exile…?
Add Your typical fragrance to the eternal penance of patience,
Why don't You acquiesce to add meaning and substance,
That this soul has for so long sought…?
Why don't You, my Beloved Lord…?
For however fleeting a time,
Why don't You…?
Thereby make this lifetime supremely sublime,
All else fades away…save desire for You,
That is intensely and extremely prime,
From that vast Celestial Ocean,
This blade of grass is thirsty for a drop of Cosmic Dew,
When will You…Why don't You…?
Don't You know…my Lord and Master…
Then why don't You…?
I have constantly known how consistently blessed am I…?
Don't You know, Oh! Cherished Mother Sai,
Anyatha Sharanam Nasti,
Tvameva Sharanam Mamah,
Other than You refuge there is none,
Nor do I seek any other,
Oh! Sweet Mother,
If You know how I feel,
That it is You,
You… are my forever delight,
You, Who holds timeless Cosmic Appeal,
Only for You,
Exuberantly does flow this sentiment,
Forever apparent something I can never conceal,
A moment away from thoughts of You is an absolute ordeal…
If You know all this,
It is You in Whom every atom of my being,
Does rejoice in, exult and cherish,
Then why don't You reveal Yourself in the Physical,
And grant me that superlative bliss…?
While doing so my innermost yearning furbish,
To prize, adore, worship, relish and revel in Thy Divine Presence…
Then why don't You end,
What has the semblance,
Of an exile…?
Add Your typical fragrance to the eternal penance of patience,
Why don't You acquiesce to add meaning and substance,
That this soul has for so long sought…?
Why don't You, my Beloved Lord…?
For however fleeting a time,
Why don't You…?
Thereby make this lifetime supremely sublime,
All else fades away…save desire for You,
That is intensely and extremely prime,
From that vast Celestial Ocean,
This blade of grass is thirsty for a drop of Cosmic Dew,
When will You…Why don't You…?
Don't You know…my Lord and Master…
Then why don't You…?

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